Waking William 0.04

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Ma-Ri felt teacher Kim burning bullets into her forehead whilst she rushed to copy out the notes that were written during the first ten minutes of class that she had missed. It went without saying that teacher Kim was going to keep her back after class. Ma-Ri remembered that she had work straight after school and she would no doubly be late for that too.

Ma-Ri sighed and wiped the sweat off her brows. Why was everything in her life falling apart?

"Ma-Ri!" A cheerful voice chirped. Ma-Ri glanced up from her notebook and towards the person that stood in front of her desk. The corners of her mouth turned up when she spotted her friend.

Bong-Su smiled brightly at her, so much so that Ma-Ri felt like shielding her eye from the intensity. How someone can look so enthusiastic at seven-forty-something in the morning went far beyond her understanding. Ma-Ri still felt like a zombie that had just risen out of its grave.

Whoever set the standards for a 7:30 start deserved to be the first person murdered when time travel is invented.

Bong-Su, who was completely oblivious to her friends dark train of thoughts, looped a hand through Ma-Ri's arm and pulled her up from her seat. "Let's go for lunch. They're serving soybean paste soup today!" Bong-Su announced excitedly.

"You're the only person that enjoys that crap." Misaah, another friend of Ma-Ri's, idly interjected. She stood behind Bong-Su with a bored expression, her attention focused on her dark painted nails as she inspected them.

Misaah, Ma-Ri had come to realise, only ever showcased two emotions: Boredom, and irritation. It was always one or the other. The chances of mankind colonising the sun were far greater than getting that girl to crack a genuine smile.

But Ma-Ri and Bong-Su were not effected by their friends cold nature, and often made fun of her monotonous behaviour.

"You're coming along too Mimi." Bong-Su looped her other arm around Misaah's and dragged both her friends out into the halls. Bong-Su was shorter than Ma-Ri but the girl had enough strength to move mountains if she wanted to.

Misaah unclipped her arms from Bong-Su's, and crossed them over her chest. "I told you not to call me that in public. Gosh you're so embarrassing."

"But it's cute!" Bong-Su gushed.

"Bunny's are cute. Kittens are cute. Do I look like a fury rodent to you?"


"You better run if you want to live." Misaah threatened, stepping towards Bong-Su with a glare and Bong-Su lets out a squeak, rushing ahead of her friends and into the canteen.


"This soup is so nice," Bong-Su moaned as she licked her spoon clean before shoving another spoonful of soup into her mouth. This was followed by another string of moans.

Misaah gave her friend a hard look, clicking her tongue in annoyance. "I think I've just lost my appetite."

Bong-Su eyed Misaah's plate of untouched kimchi and Misaah pushed it towards her, sweeping her arms across the air in a 'be my guest' gesture. Bong-Su almost fell off her chair from delirium. Only she would get this excited over free food. Or food in general. It was a mystery to the world how Bong-Su managed to stay so slim when she practically inhaled carbs like it was oxygen.

Misaah then turned to her other friend, the one she considered a little less insane, and silently watched her. Ma-Ri was currently staring down at her phone screen, her eyebrows not together in bewilderment and her lips drawn into a fine line.

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