7 Minutes in Heaven

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3rd Person POV

Y/N was definitely not the type of girl who likes going to any kind of big events. So how did she end up at the party at Chan's house? Let's find out ~


"Please Y/N? Come to the party with meeee," Mina whined. Mina was Y/N's best friend, despite being the total opposite of what Y/N was. Mina was a social butterfly while Y/N was not.
"I don't see why i should go, Mina, besides, i have to finish watching GOT7's new variety show. " Y/N replied, rolling her eyes at the other girl who was giving her puppy eyes.

"Oh, i'll tell you why you should go! ...A little birdie told me a certain boy is interested in you~" Mina teased, making Y/N blush, a light pink shade dusting her cheeks.
"It couldn't be him... could it..?" Y/N thought to herself, blushing as she thought about the boy she took a liking to.

Y/N had a small - no, She had a major crush on Yang Jeongin. The youngest in Stray Kids, the most popular boys in school. Even the smallest thing Jeongin does makes her heart flutter.
She was so deep in thought, she wasn't paying attention to what was going on.

"...Y/N?" A different voice said, snapping Y/N out of her trance. She looked up and saw Jeongin in front of her. "H-huh..?" She stammered and looked at the taller boy. Jeongin chuckled, "I was asking if you were coming to the party tonight." Jeongin repeated and smiled.

Just as she was about to say something, Mina grinned and answered for her, "Of course she is! She has to be there!" Y/N was silently cursing Mina in her head but smiled shyly at Jeongin, "Y-yea.. i'll be there." Y/N said and blushed a bit.

Jeongin smiled, "Great! I'll see you there tonight!" He said, ruffling her hair before running off in another direction. Y/N started to turn red as her inner fangirl was going crazy.
Mina grinned cheekily and nudged the blushing girl, "That went well. So what will you be wearing tonight?" She asked.

Y/N thought for a bit bit shrugged, making Mina roll her eyes. "C'mon then.. I'm taking you out to do some shopping after school." Mina said and smiled.

Later, after school ended, Y/N and Mina went off to the mall. Mina picked out an outfit for Y/N to wear to the party which was slightly revealing and she grinned, knowing that thw certain boy will definitely keep his eye on Y/N.


Y/N and Mina made it to Chan's place by 7:30PM. The party didn't start 'till 8:15 so the two helped Chan to set things up for the party.

Soon, as the house began to fill with people, Y/N began to looking around for Jeongin, biting her lip as she searched high and low for the human fox. She went upstairs and opened the door, revealing a half naked Jeongin making out with some random chick was dressed up in a really slutty manner.

Y/N widened her eyes at the sight as she felt as if someone was punching her in the gut multiple times. She teared up and the two didn't seem to notice her standing at the door. Y/N slammed the door shut and quickly made her way downstairs, trying to avoid bumping into Mina or Chan.

She went into Chan's backyard and sat behind the tree, hugging her knees to her chest and began to cry softly. "Why was i such an idiot to believe he actually liked me.." She thought to herself and kept crying. She wiped her tears away after a while and got up and went back inside the house to let Mina know that she wanted to go home.

Chan grabbed her arm right as she was about to approach Mina."Come on Y/N, we're gonna play a game together and you're not backing out this time!" He said cheekily, making the smalled girl groan. She sat down in a circle in between Chan and Felix. She saw Jeongin and quickly looked away, not wanting to remember what she saw earlier.

Everyone started to play truth or dare and so many wild things were happening. Chan and Woojin made out, Jisung gave Changbin a hickey and Felix took way too many shots and is now passed out on the couch. "Y/N~ Truth or dare?" Mina said to the younger female while grinning. Y/N bit her lip and thought for a bit, "Dare" She said confidently.

"Well.. I dare you to play 7 minutes in Heaven with... Jeongin!" Mina said and smirked. Y/N widened her eyes and Jeongin started to blush wildly. Y/N was pushed into another room by Mina, Jeongin getting pushed in after by Chan.

Chan shut the door and quickly locked it, making Y/N sigh softly and slid down onto the ground. Jeongin looked down at her and bent down to her level, "Hey.. what's wrong..?" He asked but didn't get a response from the female. Y/N avoided his gaze and bit her lip once again.

"Its okay.. you can tell me anything!" Jeongin said and smiled sweetly st her but failed to get a response from her again. Tears began to roll down Y/N's cheeks as she thought of what she saw earlier.

Jeongim noticed her tears and widened his eyes, "Y-yah.. Y/N, what's wrong?? Why are you crying..?" He asked. Y/N sniffled and wiped her tears away, "...i-i saw you making out with another girl earlier.." she mumbled softly. Jeongin's eyes softened at the crying girl and lifted her chin, making her face him.

"Y/N.. That kiss meant nothing to me.. She forced herself onto me and she was way stronger than me.. I tried to escape her but she started to take my clothes off.. I was lucky Chan came in and stopped her.. I swear i'm not interested in her at all.." Jeongin said, looking straight into Y/N's teary eyes.

Y/N sniffled and didn't say anything and kept looking at him, "...The only person i'm interested in... Is you." Jeongin finished. Before Y/N could even say anything, Jeongin pressed his soft lips against hers, kissing her passionately.

Y/N widened her eyes and froze. She began to blush darkly and slowly kissed him back, closing her eyes. The two of them kept kissing until they were both out of air. Jeongin and her panted slightly and Y/N looked at him, light pink tinted on her cheeks. "I-i like you too, Jeongin.." She said, making him smile brightly, "So... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, smiling brightly still, showing off his pearly white teeth.

Y/N smiled and pecked his lips, "Of course i will! ...If you promise to stay away from other girls who'll try to steal you from me" She said and pouted. Jeongin chuckled and nodded, pulling the girl into his chest, embracing her tightly.

Then, Chan and Mina bursted through the door, "Times up, lovebirds!" Chan said and grinned, Mina fangirling over the couple behind him. Y/N and Jeongin both blushed but smiled and left the room with their hands intertwined.

The end~

A/N: Well that sucked lmao-

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