Ex Boyfriend

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AB6IX Park Woojin
Angst ~ Smut
Part 1

3rd Person POV

3 months..

It's been 3 months since Y/N and Woojin broke up.. Y/N still hasn't recovered since that day and couldn't stop herself from thinking of him every passing day. "Is he okay?" "Has he eaten?" "I wonder what he's up to now.." were the thoughts that filled her head every night before bed.


It was a cold day in Busan and Y/N was alone at home. 7th April.. It was their anniversary and she had no idea where Woojin was. She thought about texting him and was about to reach for a phone which was resting on the coffee table, "What if he's working? I don't wanna bother him.." She thought to herself and pulled her hand back.

She sighed and looked at the clock, 5:30PM, only 2 hours before Woojin comes home. She then thought of an idea, she was thinking of surprising him for their anniversary. She smiled to herself and went into the kitchen.
She hummed and began preparing Chicken soup, Woojin's favourite.

After she finished making the chicken soup, she began to cook other things that he loves to eat. When she finished, she placed all the food on the table and smiled. She giggled as she thought of how Woojin might react when he comes home.

She ran upstairs to their shared bedroom and into the bathroom. She stripped out of her clothes and hopped under the showerhead and took a warm shower. She finished after a while and put on her shorts and slipped one of Woojin's hoodie on. She sniffed it and giggled, "Ahh i can't wait until he gets home!" She thought to herself and ran down the stairs.

She flopped back onto the couch and smiled, grabbing her phone to text Woojin.

Chamsae UwU

Y/N: Babe~ When are you coming home? OwO
sent 6:28pm

WJ: Don't worry, baby, i'll be home soon.
sent 6:30pm

Y/N: Alrighty babe~ Hurry, okay? 💕
sent 6:32pm

Y/N bit her lip as she re-read his response, "why does he seem off?" She thought to herself but shrugged it off, "Maybe he's just tired" she said to herself and waited patiently for him to come home.


She glanced at the clock every few seconds, eagerly waiting for Woojin to come home. She picked her phone up and texted him again

Chamsae UwU

Y/N: Babe, where are you?
sent 7:17pm

"That's odd.. He left me on read.. Ah, he's probably doing something right now, i shouldn't worry.." She thought to herseld but looked at the warm food on the table, "The food is gonna get cold.. i hope he gets home quick..." she mumbled and let out a sigh,

10: 47pm

It's been almost 3 hours and 30 minutes since she last texted Woojin and she got really worried and anxious. "Maybe.. i'll call Daehwi and check with him if he's with him." She thought and got her phone out.

She dialed Daehwi's number and called it and waited for him to answer. After the first few rings, he finally answered

Daehwi: Hello?

Y/N: Hey Daehwi.. Is Woojin with you guys?

Daehwi: Uhh, no? He left 2 hours ago, saying he had to meet you at.. um.. The club in town?

Y/N felt her heart drop for a split second and looked down, "the club... did he forget our anniversary..?" she thought to herself and teared up

Daehwi: Helloooo? Y/N, you okay over there?

She heard the concerned male ask and she sniffled and wiped her tears away,

Y/N: No, um, i mean, yeah.. I'm fine, Daehwi.

Daehwi: Y/N, are you crying? What's going-

Y/N cut him off by ending the call. She put her phone down and slumped down into the chair, "He forgot our anniversary, didn't he..?" She thought to herself, tears welling up in her eyes again. She sniffled and wiped them away and looked the food on the table that has now gone cold. She put them in the fridge and went to their shared bedroom.

She laid down on the bed, on Woojin's side and cried. She felt hurt that he left her alone on their anniversary. After a while of crying, she eventually dozed off into a deep slumber.


She woke up to the sound of the of the front door slamming shut. She looked at the time and got up from bed and left the room. She went downstairs to see Woojin and some blonde bimbo making out on the couch. She teared up and widened her eyes at the sight.
Woojin didn't take notice of Y/N who was standing there and kept french kissing the blonde.

Y/N ran back upstairs and closed the door, sliding down onto the ground. "How could he..? I trusted him!" She said to herself and cried into her knees. She got up and packed all her clothes, leaving the stuff Woojin bought for her. She wiped her tears away and snuck her way to the front door. She looked at Woojin and the blonde one last time before tearing up again. She shook her head and left.

She ended up at Daehwi's house. Daehwi opened the door and Y/N hugged him tightly. He was surprised and took the poor girl in. He took her to the living room and made her sit down on the couch. "What happened? What did Woojin do?" Daehwi asked, concerned after seeing her bloodshot teary eyes.

"W-Woojin.. h-he forgot our anniversary.. an-and he came home earlier with some girl and h-he was making out with her!" Y/N managed to choke out, Daehwi rubbed her back in attempt to comfort her.

"D-Daehwi-ah.. i-is something wrong with me..? Am i ugly..? Is that why Woojin cheated on me..?" Y/N asked, still crying her eyes out. Daehwi pulled her into his embrace and rubbed her back, "No, Y/N.. He's just an idiot, he doesn't deserve your love." He said.

Flashback end~

That's how Y/N ended up staying with Daehwi after that. She locked herself in the room and didn't want to come out. She doesn't even remember the last time she ate. Daehwi was really worried for her and tried to get her to come out and eat many times but failed.

So, he called Woojin over. To get her out of her little hole and apologize to her. Woojin came over shortly and brought her some food. He then went upstairs with Daehwi. He unlocked the door with the skeleton key he had and let Woojin in.

Woojin closed the door after going in and went to the bed, where Y/N's sleeping figure was. He sat down on the chair in front of the bed and looked at her. Seeing how much weight she lost and how dark her eyebags were made Woojim feel really guilty.

Y/N soon began to wake up and nearly screamed when she saw Woojin staring at her, "Y-yah.. h-hoe did you get in here..? Why are you here??" She asked and Woojin sighed, "Baby... Look.. I'm so sorry for what i did to you.. I didn't know what i was doing, i swear! I was gonna come home and celebrate our anniversary together but one of my close friends' invited me to go drinking for a while. But he put something in my drink and i blacked out, then i woke up at home with a girl attached to me.. I yelled at her to get out but you were already gone..." Woojin explained.

Y/N teared up and hugged him tightly. Woojin widened his eyes slightly but hugged her back, careful not to hurt her. "I'm really sorry, baby.. It's okay if you don't want to forgive me but please don't starve yourself.. Daehwi told me you didn't want to come out to eat at all and when i saw how skinny you are.. It made me feel like shit.. I did this to you.." Woojin said and teared up.
Y/N wiped his tears away, "I-i... i-i forgive you, Woojin.. P-please don't ever leave me.." She croaked out, "I promise, baby.. i'll never leave you..." Woojin replied, kissing her forehead.

End of Part 1

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