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3 Hours Later....
I have awaken and I'm getting ready, I feel ever so motivated and I'm ready to give it my all like I always do, even if I don't win the title ever, at least I can put up good matches and that's all I want to do, actually prove to people that I'm more than just a Australian Beauty and that there's more to me than just that and I know there's more and I can prove it in that ring.
Cesaro: "Hello Teegan"
Me: "Hi"
For some reason although we are only just friends at the moment I actually am happy to see him, I always smile and sometimes I don't realise myself blushing but around him I try not to show it, I know he called me Beautiful once and that was sweet, however, I really don't wanna be in trouble with Stephanie again like last time and I hate it when people sneak up on us like that, it's creepy and annoying.
Cesaro: "How are you?"
Me: "I'm ok apart from having a sleep walk last night and shouting from the top of my voice"
Cesaro: "Oh, I hope you slept well, we have a show ahead of us"
Me: "Oh I know that, we always do, we are never free from them anymore"
Cesaro: "I know"
I'm very angry that WWE keeps running Shows, they are tearing their superstars apart and they are all killing one another and it is getting ferocious, Plus I miss hanging out with friends now and again but I thought of an idea after the show.
Me: "Hey Claudio?"
Cesaro: "Yeah?"
Me: "Would you like to come over to my place later, after the show?"
Cesaro: "Ok, I would love to"
I'm gonna do what I love and that's cooking, I want his opinion on my food, I'm planning on doing a cooking channel on my times off.
I know he's my friend and as my friend he will be honest with me.
I want him to be the first person to tell me if I'm doing this right or not, It will keep my mind occupied and forget about Alaska for once, I'm gonna be happy Teegan today.

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