Francis noticed that there were many ominous looking structures throughout the city. There was an iron
fortress; that used to be a weapon chamber, towers with flaming surfaces, and bronze citadels (of an
unknown origin).
As he wandered closer to the site of the burned-out nuclear reactor, Francis noticed that many of the
buldings were in shambles. There were crumbled, toppled, and ruined metal towers.
Suddenly, Francis noticed there were zombies everywhere. He had to duck behind a carved rock wall,
to hide from them.
In desperation, Francis entered a building with a cross on it, to pray. He was appalled by what he saw.
Zombie priests were munching on their own congregation!
Francis noticed an ominous looking church, made of steel, called the Citadel of the Iron Mountain. He
glanced inside, and saw that the zombies were converting the survivors, by snacking on their body
Francis was never seen again.
A couple years later, a group of scientists researching the area, to study the extent of the damage on
the environment, found his notebook...