Anaconda Castle

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It had been a really long day for the four friends at the precinct. It was late and they had finally closed a tough case. They were all tired and they couldn't wait till they could get out of there. Castle and Beckett had taken a few free moments in the break room because they both felt like they just needed a hug. Ryan and Esposito was talking when the married couple came back and Espo had an idea how to lighten up the mood for everyone. When the couple came near them he started his plan.

"My anaconda don't" he sang and made one bump-wiggle to the side with his butt.

The three friends looked at him with widened eyes. Ryan had no idea what had happened to his partner and Beckett was just shocked. Castle on the other hand thought it was funny so he jogged to Espo's side and continued.

"My anaconda don't" he sang and did that bump-wiggle thing too.

Espo and Castle got eye contact and together they sang the last sentence.

"My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon!" they sang while wiggling to the non-existing beat.

Both Beckett looked at each other with wide eyes and they could all the questions circling around the head.

"What. The. Actual. Font?" Beckett asked and looked at her husband who stood and grinned at her.

He walked towards her and took her hands, she just looked at him with shock. He put her hands around his neck.

"My anaconda don't" he sang again and put his hands on her hips.

"My anaconda don't" Espo pitched in.

Ryan was about to burst out when he saw what Castle was doing.

"My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon" both Espo and Castle sang as Castle moved Beckett's hip to the beat they sang in.

Castle could see the laughter in his wife's eyes and he pecked her lips.

"MR CASTLE, I do NOT tolerate these kind of things in my precinct!" Gates came rushing from her with an angry facial expression.

Castle pulled away from Beckett and looked at the furious captain.

"It was Espo who started it" he said in a scared and innocent voice.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that but if this happens one more time I will kick you out. And there's no way your wife can nestle you in again, I promise you that" Gates said and that was when it burst for the three detectives.

They all laughed and Castle looked at them with a sad face while Gates cooled herself down and wondered what had gotten into her detectives.

"Don't worry, sir. It won't happen again" Beckett tried to say as serious as she could but she couldn't stop laughing.

"But, it wasn't..." Castle started but Beckett just took his hand and started to drag him with her.

"We're gonna head home, see you tomorrow" Beckett cut him off and waved to her co-workers.

She dragged him into the elevator and once the doors closed she turned towards him.

"You know, you do have a fine bun, right?" Castle asked her and she tried to refuse the smile on her lips but she couldn't get rid of it.

She hated it but she couldn't help but blush. Castle went closer to her and put his hands on her lower back. She decided to go with it and put her hands around his neck, intertwining her fingers behind his head. They stared into each other's eyes. Castle's hand travelled down to her butt and he squeezed it. She gasped and he took the opportunity to kiss her and stick his tongue in to meet hers. They kissed and didn't pull away before they heard the ding from the elevator. They went out of there and went towards the car. They drove home, holding hands the whole way. When they got inside the loft Castle went directly to the stereo.

"Oh no" Kate said and he looked at her with a smirk.

"Oh yes" he said and started the music.

The song coming out was Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Kate started laughing and Castle came to her, grabbing her and pulling her close to him.

"What about your mom, and Alexis?" Kate said laughing.

"They're not here, tonight it's just me and you mrs Castle" he said and he bent down starting to kiss her neck.

Kate spun around still laughing and started to move against him. He got surprised but just moved with her while kissing and nipping her shoulder and neck. The heat in the room was rising and neither of them could keep their hands off of each other. Castle slipped his hand inside of her pants and she couldn't help but moan.

"Still not a fan of this song?" Castle teased biting her ear.

"Shut up" Kate moaned and could feel his arousal against her butt.

She took his hand from her pants and dragged him towards the bedroom.

"You will regret putting on that song" Kate said seductively and smirked against him.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I won't mrs Castle" he said and they kissed.

Anaconda Castle (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now