we will Never Be The Same

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                      At the party

Gun mens walking into the mansion shooting into the celling. The whole crowd screams and runs as they trying to hide & find a way out.

                      ZICO POV
I heard gun shots in the mansion and people screaming and running i quicky ducked down with selena while Ricky and crush,Nina hid by the wall.   

                    DEAN POV
I heard aloud gun shots and the crowd screaming and running i see strange men in black holding rifle and Mp5, automatic shotgun. As i am ducking i can feel yara shaking in shocked by me and trying to stay still. I looked at her and signal her to calm and to stay quiet as i think of a plan. I see Ricky by wall hiding signal me that he is gonna make a move before the room is clear.

The men in black forced everyone shut up and gather by a wall together. As they do he began to search through the crowd. He ask them where is these boys at? As he shows them a picture of three boys. The crowd was slience before the men could say something a man walks in.

Saint Howard:
Look you guys no one isn't gonna get hurt if you would just tell me what i want to hear then i will let you all y'all go.

One guy in crowd says " you're lying.. you will never let us go.

Saint Howard: *walks toward the guy and grabs him by the head as the crowd began to scream and one woman says" please don't hurt him please don't as she cries. I pull out my gun and aimed the gun on him and told the crowd "tell me where are they at! Now or i gonna shoot this man! The crowd began to scream again i told them " if i count to 3 i am gonna kill each person in here starting with him as i shoot the man in the head blood starts to spread everywhere on the floor.

Zico: As i am thinking what i gonna do while hiding with Selena. Selena looking so worried and scared, crying slient Nina is shacking by the gun shot and crush is trying figure a way out with eric.

                   Saint Howard pov

After shooting the man i pull another person out from the crowd bending them to their knees i say" 1! The crowd screaming then i say 2! As i looked at the crowd then i notices a korean man with curly hair i grabbed them and pull him down to his knees as a woman screaming saying" no no please stop it!! Please as the men in black pulls her away from the man and me. I say to the crowd " its fine if you two boys won't come out right now then i will be shooting your little brother and then his blood will shed for you two!!  Then i waited & waited and say to the boy" i guess your brothers don't love you after all. As i gave the men in black a signal to get the girl they bought the girl in the front on her knees as they aim the rifte to her head. She is screaming and crying.

                       ZICO POV
I realize Howard aim guns on Dean and yara. I told Ricky we have to do something as he to him calm we have turn ourselves in as Selena says" what? What's gonna happen to you? What's gonna happen to dean & yara? As she cries in fear and worries. Ricky grabs her face and told her " listen to me everything gonna be fine okay i promise to keep you safe as he hugs her tight. Eric says i know a way out as he shows us a sercret door under the a rug. By the pool table crush ask him "how did you did found this? He says" when we moved here i step on the rug and i kept on hearing metal so then i found the door. As we all made plan to let eric and nina, selena to go down the door and if they make it outside they need to find help then we cover the door with the rug again. Then it was just me Ricky, crush.

We turned walked over with our hands up and turned ourselves in.

                    DEAN POV

As i am on my knees with yara i can't stop thinking about how this is the end for me in the moment i felt like maybe its better that i am dead and that i won't have to worry about bad people coming after me. And that i can finally be at peace with dad. I wouldn't have to worried about zico getting on my nerves and always trying to protect me. Maybe its for best for everyone.

Then i see zico,crush,Ricky walking towards us and turning theirselves in.

                        Saint POV
I see three unarmed boys walking giving theirselves up i say to them" where is my money!? I asked them zico says" f**ck you! I laughed then punched him he falls to the floor then sits up and balls his fists Looking angry.

                      Eric Pov
I am walking down a straight dark tunnel with selena and Nina. Nina holding her phone as a light for us to see where we going. Selena seems very claustrophobic because how she breathing so hard and sounds like she hyperventilating while walking fast and touching the wall. I told her take a deep breath she does then Nina points at away out. It was a gateway at the end of the tunnel and we see light flashing around. As we got to the gate it was old and rusty because when we push the gate open the whole gate just fall down like the screws wasn't very tight enough. We see trees and bushes then we see a road leading through a Vocal Point. The sky was dark it was  nightime as we walking fast we see lights from a brown truck. We screamed for help like we was feeling stranded in woods. The truck drove pass us we though that the person didn't see us or maybe that the person didn't care. But then the truck does a u- turn and stopped by us it was a man and his wife and their two kids a boy and girl. The wife on the right front of the car pulls her window down asking us " do you children need a lift? What are you children doing in the middle out of nowhere without your parents? In country accent. we didn't know what to say but we told her that we need help and that our friends are in trouble and that we need to call the police because our iphones didn't have services and plus nina iphone die from using the flashlight She says" come on in you three as we enter the truck.

                    24 mins Later

They pull up to their way and walks us into their home they clothed us and offer food for us. As we eating the husband goes in his room for a few minutes then he comes out and walks out the front door. I see flashing lights of 2 cars poping up on the driveway i see random mens getting out the car and the husband is chatting with them. The wife had put two of her kids to sleep while nina and selena help clean the dishes. I just peeked through the blinds, feeling like something doesn't feel right with those people outside. The woman comes back with bags of belongings and tells us in a whisper "I am so sorry , we asked her sorry for what? Why are you whispering? She says"you have go or they gonna find y'all as i can hear the voices are getting closer outside the wife gives us bags of food and water, clothes. Then she quickly show us out the back door. As we outside again we told the lady thank you she says " you welcome go go now. While running we hear gunshots from the house as we running faraway from the house.As we looked back we see just smoke from the house and a few of men with black carrying shotguns searching for us in the woods.


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