Learning to Talk

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11 months

You woke up to the sun shining though the window of the the Warren House Hotel (pictured above) room you were staying in. You blinked a few times as you turned over in the king size bed that you had all to yourself, and faced the clock. 8:23AM. Your back was among eight pillows as you took a moment to stare up at the ceiling for a moment to take it all in.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes roughly as you took in the room and your wedding dress that was hanging in the corner. It was an A-line dress with lace across the chest and down your arms. It was beautiful.

"I'm getting married today," you reminded yourself, a giddy smile appearing across your lips as you fell back onto the bed again.

Tom was in his own room across the hotel and Charlie was staying with your parents in theirs. Tom bought out the entire hotel for all your friends and family, and even paid their air fare so you could have everyone you cared about at the wedding.

A loud knock at the door startled you and you sat up, pulling the covers off and sliding on a pair of shorts.

"Just a second!" you said, shaking your backside to get the shorts up while you walked to the door.

You opened it to see Y/F/N, who was your maid of honor, and your mom with Charlie in her arms.

"Is that mummy?" your mom whispered in her ear, making her squeal with delight when she saw you.

"Lovie!" you beamed, immediately taking her from your mother's arms and pulling her into you. Your hand held her head as she hugged your shoulders and your fingers ran through her hair. Her brown curls were really growing now, and her Y/E/C eyes were framed perfectly by them. She looked more and more like Tom every day though with that cute nose.

Your mom and Y/F/N followed you into the room and you all ordered room service for breakfast since you had about 2 hours until you had to start getting ready.

You popped on Disney Junior for Charlie and she sat on the bed, eating scrambled eggs and giggling at the paw patrol pups while the adults talked.

"Have you seen Tom?" you asked Y/F/N as you bit off a piece of toast with Marmite on it. You missed him, even though you saw each other yesterday morning.

"Not today He stumbled into his room with Harrison at like 2AM. I could hear their drunk asses through the wall. Must have been some bachelor party," she chuckled, making you face palm and laugh. You looked over at Charlie and she mimicked you, smacking her own palm into her forehead. You all burst into a fit of laughter at your daughter and continued to talk as you waiting for all of your bridesmaids to arrive.

"She was looking for Tom all last night. She didn't get her lullaby." your mom sighed, glancing over at Charlie. You frowned, thinking about your poor baby missing her daddy last night. "We FaceTimed him around 9, he must not have been too drunk yet and told her he loved her. It was really sweet." your mom continued. "I thought she was going to say 'dada', but it didn't happen."

"She's been so close to saying a lot of things. She tries so hard to talk to me, but its all gibberish right now," you chuckled, bringing your tea cup to your lips.

"It'll be anytime now. You started talking at around her age," your mother commented, using her hand to tussle Charlie's curls from behind.

Small talk continued as you ate, and soon it was almost 10:30AM.

Your bridesmaids arrived soon after you finished breakfast and your mom took Charlie from the room so that you could get ready in peace. You kissed her rosy cheeks before waving bye-bye to her to which she waved back, making your heart melt.

Only hours later, you were in your dress, hair done and makeup flawless. The ceremony was in the ballroom and you waited outside the entrance as your bridesmaids all lined up with their perspective groomsmen. Charlie was the flower girl, and your mother held her in her arms so she could head out in front of you. Soon it was only you two, as everyone else had gone out towards the alter.

"I'll see you up there, Lovie," you whispered to Charlie, giving her a sweet kiss before your mother took her out. The music was playing softly as they walked down the aisle, and you heard a chorus of "awe's" when they saw her in her little pink dress.

You were just about to walk out with your dad when you heard it.

A little voice echoing off the walls, screaming "Dada!" You knew it was her voice, and you froze while your dad looked around the corner into the room.

The audience "awe'd" again when Tom ran up to her and took her into his arms.

Screw tradition, you thought and you turned the corner as well. Tom looked up and saw you while he hugged his little girl, and his heart stopped.

You looked flawless. The dress flew back behind you as you trotted towards them and he thought you looked like an angel. You looked at Tom for a second, but aside from how amazing he looked, you just wanted to hear Charlie talk again.

"Lovie! What did you say?" you asked Charlie. Her little Y/E/C eyes looked up at you and then at Tom and she said it again. "Dada."

"Sorry everyone, this is her first word!" your mom yelled out, and the crowd actually began clapping and cheering. 

She definitely knew how to make an entrance like her father.

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