Starting Her Period

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A/N: obviously there is blood in this

Having a 12 and 8 year old was hard, you had to admit. Charlie was becoming the angsty teen that you used to be and Tom was away more and more since he began directing films so you were home alone a lot with the kids, but this time, it was your turn to jet off to some exotic place and leave Tom to deal with both of them, on his own, for one week.

You stood in your bedroom, folding shirts to place neatly in your suitcase that sat to the left of your entire wardrobe. Charlie and Parker would be home from school any minute, and you wanted to have your packing done so you could sit down and help them with their homework before catching your flight at 9PM.

Your reporting career had taken off in the last several years, your most well known piece called January to December, a literary journalism piece about the life of a retired military soldier. It got you nominated for several awards and now, you were hoping to find your next project on this trip to speak at a high school journalism competition in the states.

"Mum!" you heard Charlie's voice from downstairs, interrupting your last few moments of packing. You tossed the shirt in your hands down as you exited your bedroom and headed towards the stairs and all you could hear were your children arguing.

You arrived in the living room, seeing Charlie and Parker in their school uniforms, already breaking into the bag of crisps that were on the counter and fighting over the right to hold the bag in their lap.

"Uh uh," you scolded, taking the bag from Charlie's grasp and taking it back into the kitchen. "We are literally going out to dinner in less than an hour. Go upstairs and change."

"But mum!" Charlie whined, making you make the face at her. You know, the face that said you better not test me right now. Parker recoiled as soon as he saw your expression, but Charlie challenged it, which was relatively new. She raised her brows at you, and tried again to reach for the bag around your body.

"You can either go up and change your clothes, or I can ground you for the next two weeks. Your choice." you bargained one last time, making her groan in frustration and retreat to the staircase, where she proceeded to stomp her feet all the way up to her room.

"What's her problem?" Tom asked as he entered the room from the back garden. He'd been working on a sliding barn door for the dining room in his workshop out back so he was sweating through his gray t-shirt and his curls were slicked back because they were wet.

"She's just becoming a teenage girl," you respond with a smile, accepting his lips as he leaned in to kiss you. You saw Parker cringe from the living room couch, making you and Tom both laugh as Tom dramatically leaned in to kiss you again. "Go take a shower, you stink," you said playfully, making Tom stick his nose in the air and huff up the stairs, like his daughter before him.

You laid out some clothes for Parker and soon enough, you were all on your way to dinner and then off to the airport to drop you off.

"You sure I can handle this?" Tom asked you, half-jokingly as you were about to get off outside the terminal. He'd never been the punishing type since he wasn't always home to enforce it and he was definitely feeling the pressure now that he will be parenting alone for the next week.

"You're their father. Just be stern when you have to and you'll get through it. Don't forget Charlie has football on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Parker has gymnastics on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays," you reminded him and he nodded before you leaned over the center council and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

And you were gone.

Tom took the kids home and the first thing he did was get Parker ready for bed. Parker was easy, he was half asleep already from the hour car ride to and from the airport so he just got into his PJs and was out like a light.

Tom Holland Fatherhood SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now