Yami Will Soon Be Gone.

38 2 1
  • Dedicated to Okami

Upon crashing down the giant robotic monstrosity, that collapsed to the ground, Its electrical arms no longer moving, a large amount of dust floating along the ground from the force, unsettling any formerly settled dust. The white and red God, Amaterasu, stood, watching the sight, as Issun was settled upon her head.

"Heh heh."

"Not bad, furball!" Issun exclaimed, bouncing on her nose softly.

"Well, you know the drill."

"Let's have one of those famous howls of yours!"

Amaterasu began to howl, though paused quickly before she let the beautiful vocal sound out. She looked around momentarily, a soft pause. She scanned the setting, the blue and grey-blue, large circular platform she'd fought the different Yami forms on. The sky was a starless, beautiful night blue. The only decorations being the constellations that circled in the sky around the platform. She lowered her head, then raising it again, parting her jaws and letting out a long, beautifully angelic howl.

It was suddenly interrupted by a rough slam to her chest, causing a yelp to escape her as she was pulled up into the air, the Yamis next-to-final form, the yellow and brown, gigantic orb holding her before it. A dark, villainous mist, decorated in the colors of black and purple, was radiating from her body as the arm held her, yellow electricity bolting about from her wolf form. 

It waved her around viciously, as the constellations began to shatter, the stars breaking apart and the visible lines connecting them vanishing, one by one.

The arm then violently threw her to the floor, as the last constellation shattered.  Her body slid slightly, before halting to a stop as the wolf, its beautiful red markings gone as the constellations of the Gods had been destroyed, leaving the once-blue sky black.

The platform turned black as well, the lines spiralling about on it in beautiful patterns glowing bright blue.

The yellow and brown Yami ball, standing on its two odd legs, began to turn black, the yellow turning red, the brown turning black, and a red aura radiating strongly from it, as it vanished momentarily. A large red blast, affecting no one or thing, went shooting in all directions, revealing a dark grey orb with a red, spiked hand clutching it as a pattern.

The hand rolled off, leaving the wrist of it to stay attached. The hand cringed, before balling into a fist, a black and red, magma-like orb of energy formed in its palm, as red mists began flooding to it. As soon as it leapt up, rolling forward and hiding itself from the God's view, and unrolling once more as a hand with its wrist now the grey ball.

Amaterasu slowly forced herself to her paws, her body quivering weakly, facing the new monstrosity of a robot.

Her ear flicked lightly as she heard a voice.

"Bah.. That furball's always spacin' out like that!"

"Ammy can't get anything done without my help!"

The wolf let out a 'Huh?'ish sound, its head looking back and forth to see where the voice had come from. It sounded like Issun.

"Is that doggy crying somewhere, Sis'?"

"Is that why the sunshine has disappeared?.."


"I haven't seen the doggy for a while now."

"Did my saying there's no such thing as Gods cause all this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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