Chapter: 3 Enter S4 (Sakura 4)!!!

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After Park shin asked me to search her name. I went home directly and sat in front of my computer. I search for her name “Park Shin Hui”. I found her name. She is the daughter of Hui Family and what I saw after that was shocking. I knew her family was rich but they were one of the richest people in the world and I thought I was rich. They owned half of Japan. My mouth dropped open. Just at the moment, my mother walked in and said: “close your mouth otherwise fly is going to fly in” and she started laughing. I don’t know why old people think they are funny, they are obviously not funny. “Ha ha ha, mama very funny”: I said. “I was searching for my friend and her family. They are what we call stinking rich people”: I said. “Ooh is she pretty”: she asked. “Ahh, mom what are you still doing in my room. Please, get out. I am tried”: I shouted blushing. After all that hassle, I was lying in my bed without doing anything. So that’s why she said people treat her differently: I said to myself.

The next day, I woke up early. I washed myself and put on my uniform. I took my chaffer and drove to school. He dropped me early in the school. There was nearly nobody. I sat on a bench under a big and beautiful cherry blossom tree and start reading a book. I was all excited and I was imagining things that were happening in my mind. I didn’t notice things happening around me. Someone came running and shouted:  “S4 will be here in 5 min”. Ach, who is “S4” now? I asked myself. I looked around and saw people around me. The school was full. Surprisingly, I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t hear anyone or anything. I didn’t give fuzz and continued reading my book. Some minutes later Park came and whispered: Hallo, into my ear. I said: Oh hey Park, without looking backward. I moved my fingers and said: “how ya doing?”  Just like Joey from the series Friends but I messed it up. Embarrassed, I did as if nothing happened and cleverly, I changed the subject. She was laughing at me. “Hey do you know who S4 are? They are coming and everyone is making fuzz about it”: I said. I heard some girls laughing. They were standing behind Park. “Park is he the one you were talking about. He doesn’t even know who we are. We are S4 in another word Sakura 4 (sakura = cherry blossom) and the tree you are sitting under is for us. Our admirers planted this tree”. I raised my hand in the air and said: “Excuse me, new kid here. I don’t even know who the “Emperor” of Japan is”. “By the way my name is Akimo Nara and the name of the Emperor of Japan is Akihito”: said the girl with long black hair.” Ok thank for saying the name of emperor and nice to meet u” I said. “I am Harumi and that is Maki”: Harumi said. Harumi had short black hair and Maki had long blond hair. I introduced myself and said it was pleasure to meet them. Akimo’s family owns many treasure museums, Harumi is the daughter of japans biggest mafia family and Maki is the daughter of the head of world’s most important research center. So all these girls together is S4. All the girls were pretty but if I had to rank them I would go with Park, Harumi, Maki and Akimo. “So, your new in Japan huh, let’s go: said Akimo. “What? Where? But we have class: I said. Don’t worry we will arrange it: Park said with a gentle smile. They called someone and it was arranged. Park held my hand and we went at an airport where we took theirs privet jet plane. They took me from Tokyo to Sapporo and from Sapporo to Nagasaki.

They showed me everything there is to Japan. It was very fun. It was already evening. They dropped me by my house. I sneaked in my house hoping my mom was asleep because I had forgotten to call her about where we were going but sadly my mom wasn’t asleep. She was standing in the living room. “Young man, where have you been? If u were going out u could have called me. Why do you even have a mobile?” She shouted. You could see fire and anger in her eyes. “Sorry mom, my friends were showing me Japan. I was so excited that I forgot to call u”. “Showing you Japan?” My mother asked me with a confused face. “Yes mom, showing me Japan”: I said. “Mom I am tired could I go to sleep”: I said and dragged my numb legs to my room. I washed my face, brushed my teeth. I pulled my pants and my clothes slowly off. I was looking at the photos that we took with a big smile and at the same time I was searching for my pajamas’ but I couldn’t find it. I was so tired that my whole body was slowly beginning to be numb. I stopped searching my pajamas’. I Spread my body in my bed, pulled my soft blanket and   I slept like a log in my awesome boxers.   

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