Chapter 5: Ohh, Its on !! The Game Is ON ¡¡

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Chapter 5: Ohh, Its on !! The Battle Is ON ¡¡

It was a cold day. I was sitting with my other good friend Ken in the same bench under the sakura tree (the cherry blossom) as usual laughing. The ring goes off but today we had an announcement by the 12th graders. All the 12th grader must organize a day for whole school. It was like a must do school day. The 12th grader from last year organized swamp activities. Ahh, it’s so exciting: I said clapping my hand to ken. Oh I hope so: he said. Why are you  saying “I hope so”? I asked looking at him. Oh because the 12th grader from last messed up. The pupil from the 9th, the 10th end the 11th grade was very disappointed. The swamp where they organized the activities was full with leeches and frogs. The leeches sucked the blood pretty good. Ahh, then I hope this year there are no insects involved: I said looking down. Ken broke my high spirit. We were all standing in lines according to our classes. A boy and a girl came in front and started speaking: this year we are having a competition between girls and boys. Everyone started whispering. I thought it was quite exciting. They asked to form a 5 mans team of boys and girls apart. We formed a team from Ken, Kirito, Gominam and Juro. The 12th grader asked all the group to gather. We all will give u a number and you must search another group with same number. You will also come with your competition and take your task book and then you will compete with each other. Our number was 13 and we were searching our rivals. We saw some girls raising number 13 in the air. Oi isn’t that? Ken asked me. Yes, yes it is: I said with a surprise faced. I looked up and said: seriously. Ahh, what are you doing? Ken asked me. I am talking to the universe. What? Ken said. Nothing: I said. They were S4 and Mira. Our rival were S4 and not to forget Mira. What a coincident. Number 13: I shouted. They looked and start walking toward us.

They were walking toward us and every one were making a way toward us. These people are really filmy: I said to Ken. But ken wasn’t there; he was standing behind me. Ohh even god can’t save us he said. They are your friend aren’t they? Ask them to go easy on us. Why? I asked. Don’t you know anything? Park and Harumi broke the legs of the twin brothers just because they asked them to a date. The twin brothers haven’t come to the school from that day. The answer is no I am not going to chicken out: I shouted. Harumi stood in front of me and said: what a coincidence right. We must compete each other. I second that: I said. Look boy if you want to back down do it right now because we aren’t going to spare you. Let’s back down: ken said. Ah, is Ken scared: Maki teasing Ken. Akimo started to laugh. What me? Pffft I was asking Salon if he wants to back down: I am not scared. Ken had a crush on Maki. Ahh is salon scared. Harumi asked me teasing now. No why must I be scared? I asked Harurmi. Park and Akimo smiled toward me and shouted: because you all are going to down. Ahh no we aren’t going to lose and I sure it is all big talk because u aren’t going to win. The boys were getting confident. And even if we go down we are taking u all down with us: I replied. Oh snap! Throw more word at them Salon: he asked me with a confident smile. Ahh that was all I got: I replied. Doesn’t matter that was good. I am so full of energy: he replied to me. Shut up Ken: Mire shouted. Such confidence but we will crush yours will, break your bones and then the battle will be ours: Harumi said. Okay your officially scaring me: I said. What ur cant chicken out after giving such a inspiring speech: Ken shouted at me. No really before we start the game I have some condition. You can use assassin or mafias: I said looking at Harumi. What are you mad? I can’t use mafias’. I meant we will crush your will and break your bone by our own hand: she said laughing. Okay now than let the battles begin and we are not going to lose/: park shouted. Ohh the battles on:I shouted and the boy shouted with me.

We went to take our challenge task. There were bunch of task and there were judges to judge us. The first task was orientation.

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