Chapter 16

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The asshole locked me in the room!

I will not stand for this! Nuh uh, I need to get out of here before the Alpha King returns. 

I approach the door and grab my lock picking sets. They had been strapped to my thigh and surprisingly survived the past couple of days. They are very hard to break. I set to work to pick the lock. Honestly, it was a pathetic lock, it took me barely two minutes to pick it!

Once, I was outside of the room, I look around to see an empty hallway. I first need to confuse my scent. There is no use in escaping if Alec is to easily track me down. 


I wander into an occupied guest room. I steal some of this male's clothes, effectively smelling like him. Good, that's what we want. Now, how to get out?

Alec isn't that stupid. He probably increased the guard patrols around the castle to stop me from getting out. Again. That means I cannot sneak out the usual way. I have to figure something out and quick. Alec will finish his meeting and notice my disappearance. We can't have that.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the familiar group of three people who I promptly run into. I keep my head lowered, just in case someone might recognize me. Either people from the castle or people from packs can put my identity in danger.

I say in a posh british accent, "I am so sorry for running into you. I wasn't looking where I was going."

I hear a hearty chuckle and I look up. Ethan, Jackson and Auriel, their mate, stared back at me. I guess I found my solution to get out of the castle. They could help. But what were they doing here in the first place?

Ethan asked, "What are you doing here, Emma?"

I hiss at them,"Idiots! Don't say my name!"

Jackson frowns, "Why?"

I glare at him, "Do you forget where we are? We are in the ALPHA KING's home."

Auriel pauses, "Then what are you doing here? It's dangerous."

I drag them into one of the castle blind spots, "You don't think I know that. It's not like I can leave."

Ethan questions me, "How did you end up here in the first place?"

I sigh, "Well, I ran into the Alpha King..."

"What?" interrupted Jackson, "How are you not in prison?"

I tell some of the truth, "Well, I was in a room, but I got out. Alpha King is going to figure out that I am gone soon. I need to be out of here by then. Can I get some help? What are you guys doing here anyway?"

Auriel answered, "As the most powerful pack after the Royals, we have to have personal annual meetings. We finished them yesterday and are leaving today."

I nod, "Ok, now can you get me out of here?"

Ethan gives me his coat, "Let's try to just leave with you right now. They can't stop us as we are pretty powerful without causing a fight. The only way the Alpha King would even chance us revolting is if his mate is involved."

Auriel adds, "What is the story with his mate anyway?"

Jackson explains as we walk with their belongings, "We was searching for her for a long time. Rumor has it a couple of weeks ago he found her, but something happened. Some people say she died or that she ran away."

I mutter under my breath, "Ran away."

Ethan turns to face me, "What did you say?"

I give him a fake smile, "Nothing. By the way, if anyone asks, I am an omega at your pack that is helping with your belongings. Auriel feels attached to me which is another reason why I am here."

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