Chapter 18

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Sorry for the short chapter, I have so many exams this week. I am even currently writing this in history class!


I have been ignoring Alec for a day and he is going crazy.

It's been really funny to watch. I didn't talk to him, answer his questions, or acknowledge anything that has to do with him. As Alpha King, Alec isn't used to it. He can't even use his Alpha command on me. So far, he has yelled at me, pleaded, begged even for me to answer. I can't imagine his wolf is taking this too well. It's too close to a rejection for him.

I had just told Axel, his Beta, how to get me to talk to Alec. I wonder how long it will take for Alec to ask his Beta for help. Back home, if I was in this situation, I would have asked Laurine for help the second I saw her. It would have solved the issue much more quickly. But I guess men are rather stupid. Take my fathers, Asher and Ryder, as an example!

Those were idiots. They even managed to lose their mate, my mother for a good sixteen years because they were man whores. They missed out on the first sixteen years of my brothers and I's lives. That's stupid!

Getting off topic, I am currently watching Alec destroy a living room to take out his frustration. Dramatic much? It's only been a day. I pulled this on my fathers for a week without talking before they gave in. I am one stubborn woman. 

However, my fun was ruined when Alec suddenly stopped and looked up. His eyes glazed over and it was clear he was mind-linking someone in his pack or they were mind-linking him. I have been stuck in the South Wing of the castle for the past 24 hours I spent here. I know the Alpha King of Europe is in the North Wing. Apparently, Alec is doing his damnest for us to be separated.

But that isn't my current problem. No, my current problem is figuring out what Alec just found out through the mind-link. Given his face, it isn't good. What is the problem?

Alec rushed towards me, "Stay here!"

I scoff. Does he seriously expect me to obey him? Has he learned nothing about me? I think not. I quickly follow him out. The idiot didn't even lock the door. What has him so distracted that he doesn't even lock me in? I don't know rather to be happy or scared.

I wander out and to the front of the castle. I quickly hid myself behind a tree as I watched the fighting unfold. The people attacking are actually being careful and not killing anyone while the Alpha King is just slaughtering them. 

I gasp as I recognize my people. I see Leo, Blake, Leon, Laurine. Shit, Laurine really meant it when she said she would come for me. This is how I know my people will always come through for me. Loyalty forever!

But these idiots don't want to kill anyone in case they are my mate. So they are getting slaughtered. I can't have that happening. They came for me. These castle will learn how rogues fight. 

I jumped into the middle of the fight. I was taking down wolves right and left. Before I had left my brothers' house, I took my to-go bag of weapons. I had some knives, but no guns. Sad, really! 

My wolves were laced with a heavy dose of wolfsbane. One swipe and they were down for the rest of the fight. Single-handedly, I took down a lot of wolves. For the moment, Alec hasn't been able to tell I am here. I am being careful and keeping him on the other side of the entire field.

Soon enough, I made it to my people. I was soon surrounded by exclamations of joy. I had been raised among these people and this is where I belonged. I felt worse and worse, leaving my mate for the fourth time.

Laurine fought her way to us, "Boss, if we get everyone together, Glinda, Sabrina and Moira, our witches, can transport us back. They know our genetic signature."

I smirk, "Good, let's get out of here."

At this point, I am staring at Alec who is staring at me. I am sure that my dearest mate has finally figured out how I am. Took him long enough! It hurt my heart though, to see his betrayed expression. I see the Alpha King of Europe step up next to him. 

Oh, goodie, all the people who want me dead in one place!

I can barely make out Alec tell the Alpha King of Europe, "My mate is Emma, the leader and boss of the Smith Organization."

"What are you going to do?" is the answering question.

They both look at me and Laurine says, "Be ready, we will be getting moved in 3 seconds."

I give them one last mocking salute and smirk as I disappear before their eyes. 

I am used to the sensation of being transported by the witches, so I have no reaction to the gut-wrenching movement. Leo is less lucky and he is one of the ones to throw up his stomach. Poor guy, it's not fun!

Laurine gives me a look, "Boss, you owe me an explanation on where you were and why is your last location covered in dead pack wolves."

I shrug, "I can tell you in my office."

I know that the two Alpha Kings will come for me and for my Organization. That's why the second one is in the Americas. Might as well tell everyone while I'm at it. I walk up to my office, leaving everyone to heal their injuries on their own.

I sit on my chair at my desk and I tell Laurine, "Ask away."

She leans on my desk, "What have you been keeping from me?"

I spin on my chair, "I am mates with the Alpha King, next question!"

Laurine gaped at me, "What?"

I smirk, "That's not a question."

She asks, "How long have you known?"

I continue spinning, "Ever since I was caught on the recon mission."

"Emma!" she exclaims, "And you never told me!"

"Nope!" I state proudly.

Laurine shakes her head, "You are something else."

I grin, "Yes, I am."

"That's not a good thing," she tells me.

I become serious, "Prepare for an evacuation at any time. My mate will come for me and the Organization. That was the plan before he discovered who I am and it will be doubly true now. The Alpha King of Europe is even here. Be prepared!"

"Yes, Boss!" answered Laurine, just as serious, before exiting my office.

War is coming for me and my people.


Word Count: 1146

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