Chapter 9

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Warning: Mention of rape, torture


Today has been boring.

I was by myself and had to do all of my clean the parlor with the guest bedrooms. I mean do you really need 10 guest bedrooms? There is even more, but I have to clean 10 of them everyday. It is seriously exaggerating. It took me forever too. I hadn't wake up even earlier because I was on breakfast preparation duty. 

I had done all this as quickly as I could to go investigating. Margot had shown me the secret passages yesterday which is useful. Right now, I want to find the dungeons and Glinda's sister, Sabrina. I just wanted to know if she was actually alive.

As a witch, her life will always be in danger. They are hunted by even other supernaturals for their power. The only thing is they have to give the permission for their power to be used or drained unless the person who wants their powers is a witch too. There are practically no warlocks/wizards because magic basically only shows up in the females. The Alpha King is well known for his torture of witches. It is common belief that witches can be persuaded to give you their powers if tortured.

I call bullshit!

For example, Moira has helped us so much with her powers without the fucking torture. In the Smith Organization, I have the most witches than any other pack or supernatural group. Another reason for the Alpha Kings to hate us. I just simply offer them a safe haven to protect them from persecution.

Either way, back to the task at hand, finding the dungeons. I am currently wandering through the secret passage ways in the walls to map them better. There are peep holes in many of the different rooms in the castle, no bedrooms though which is kind of reassuring. 

I was getting nowhere doing what I was doing. I made the executive decision to go look at the guards. There must be guards, guarding the dungeon, right? I exited the wall and waited for the next guard to pass. I had a platter of meager foods that look like they are meant for prisoners. I need some sort of excuse to be wandering around.

There! It's a guard. I watch him pass me and follow him from a distance. He doesn't notice anything. They seriously need better training. I mean I could be truly evil and plotting to kill them. This guard only led me to their barracks at the edge of the castle. It is accessible by a long hallway and has a door to the outside. No luck!

I loiter around, waiting for another guard. Soon enough, another one came up. His pace was pretty fast and he was rather tall too. Male werewolves have the tendency to be at least 6" tall, but this guy was at least 6"6'. It made me feel positively tiny and I am 5"8'. 

I followed the tall guy at a distance. He was better trained than the first one. I hat to duck out of sight several times when he looked back to check his tail yo see if there was anyone behind him. That's a good habit to have honestly. But he wasn't good enough to catch me.


I hit the jack pot when he brought me straight to the dungeons. Goal accomplished! Now, I just needed to get inside and see if there is an informant from my Organization captured. That is one of the original reason why I am here, of course. That and to find Sabrina for Glinda. Technically, she is a part of my family now. 

Is there a secret passage into the dungeons?

That would make my life much easier. I sneak back the way I came and entered the passage through the nearest door. My earlier mapping of the passage ways has paid off. I hadn't had to walk all the way back to the first door Margot showed me. Using the wall passages, I headed back towards the dungeon. 

As I passed the guard, I heard him say to the other guard, "Did you hear? The Alpha King has announced that he is broadening his torture methods. It seems like the regular ones aren't cutting it with this witch. He might even let us in for a taste."

The other groans in answer, "I would love that. Especially the newest witch, she makes me want to fuck her. I don't care if it's a torture method. I just want her pussy wrapped around my dick."

I freeze as soon as I hear these words. I have to restrain myself from going back and killing them. The bastards, as soon as I am ready to leave this goddamn castle, I will kill them. How sick do you have to be to want to rape someone!

I continue past them and hopefully into what I assume to be the dungeon. I walk for some time before coming to a door. These doors only look like doors from inside the wall, outside it could look like anything at all like a wall. I step out, hoping that no one will see me magically appear out of the wall. These passages are seriously a security risk for the castle, but I am not complaining at all.

I take a look around the dungeon. Let me tell you, it is a medieval type dungeon shit. Complete with silver chains, shackles and torture devices. Honestly I love it!

I walk down the rows of cells, peering in each one. I am only looking for Sabrina today which basically means I am looking for someone who appears like Glinda. It's not like I know how she looks like, I am running this operation by myself with no method of communication.

I finally see a girl who looks kind of like Glinda in the twentieth cell. They have the same eyes and hair which is closer match to Glinda than most of the others here.

I call out in a semi shouting and semi whispering voice, "Sabrina?"

The girl looks up at me and glares, but doesn't say anything. It is clear that this is Sabrina if her reaction to hearing her name is anything to go by. Now, how to convince her that I am on her side?

I say, "Your sister Glinda sent me."

Sabrina examines me even more closely, "How?"

Straight to the point, she is. I reply, "I am here to locate whoever apparently got captured who has information on the Smith Organization. You are a side mission."

She tells me, "You are wasting your time. There is no person here with critical intel on the Organization. It was just a rumor because I rub it in the people who torture me's faces that my sister managed to escape to the Organization."

A grin escapes me, "Glinda has settled in wonderfully with her mate."

Sabrina smiles back, "Good, I am happy for her."

I sit down in front of her cell, "Now, I just need to get you and every other innocent person in here out. Any suggestions?"

We talked for a long time well into the night.


Word Count: 1209

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