𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"What in the world do you mean by movies are better than the books?" Madison asked, completely shocked that Ned would say such a thing.

The boy simply gave a shrug, "I just like watching things come to life."

"I can't believe this," Madison huffed as she threw her hands up in the air, "Peter?"

Peter shook his head at the two and pointed between them, "Uh-uh. This is between you two. I will not be a tie breaker in one of your debates again."

"Movies are not better than books. Fight me, Ned," Madison concluded after she gave Peter a massive eyeroll to let him know he was no help what so ever.

Once again Ned gave a shrug, "I would never hit anyone, so no, I won't fight you. But, I am going to put my head phones in now and watch my movie, because it is better than the book."

And with that Ned did exactly what he said he was going to do. Madison crossed her arms and flung herself back into her seat. She glanced at Peter who was laughing at the whole argument.

"What is so funny to you, Peter?" Madison questioned, giving him a glare.

"You're cute when you debate with people," Peter answered.

Immediately Madison felt her face grow red at the comment. Her heart began to pound and she thought of the memory that surfaced a week ago when they were being idiots in the rain.

Peter then tried to fix his statement, "I-I mean... Because you are s-so tiny and you get... get really fierce when you debate things."

"It's okay," Madison smiled, "You can call me cute. Friends can complement each other."

"Yeah. Yeah, of course," Peter agreed, nodding his head quickly.

This caused Madison to be the one to let out a laugh. She looked at Peter in the eyes and listened to her heart beating in her ears. The look was back in his eyes and it made Madison's heart jump out of her chest.

Ever since that memory resurfaced from her brain, it was as if Madison was constantly wishing she could ask Peter about it. But the two were best friends and she was terrified of bringing it up if they ended on bad term. Madison now knew that she was missing memories of her and Peter. But there was a thought that it was a second chance.

"You're a dork," Madison finally said, trying to push the thought from her mind.

Peter then gave her a light shove and started to laugh. Madison gave a smile as she pulled out her book.

"You've read that book a thousand times," the boy commented.

Madison stuck out her tongue, "So what? Let me live my life."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," Peter stated as she held up his hands in defense, "It's just that it must be a pretty good book."

"It is," Madison replied as she opened it up to the page where she had left off.

She could hear Peter laughing as she started to read. Madison smiled to herself as she felt Peter's eyes watching her. She knew he was studying her face. Madison seemed to be catching him doing that a lot this past week, but she never called him out on it.

If she did then she would be a hypocrite. Because she would catch herself doing the exact same thing. Plus, Madison didn't mind him looking at her. It gave her butterflies in her stomach that she didn't care to get rid of.

Soon many minutes had passed and the bus they were on was finally crossing a bridge. They were all going on a field trip, and the bridge signaled that they were about thirty minutes away. Which made Madison super happy.

But, then Peter jolted his head up from his phone and looked at his arm. Madison lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him, "Peter, what's wrong?"

No answer came as Peter stared out of the window. Madison then followed suit and saw a large ring floating in the middle of New York. She instantly felt her heart drop. Today was supposed to be a normal day, but now it looked as if Earth was being invaded by aliens for the second time in her life.

Peter then began to tap Ned's face, gaining his attention Peter spoke, "Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

"Holy shit!" Ned yelled as he looked out of the window and saw what was happening, "We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!"

Ned then stood up and led all of the other high schoolers to the back of the bus, leaving an open shot for Peter and Madison to leave.

"That's one way to do it," Madison huffed as she watched Peter slap his web shooter onto his wrist. As soon as it was on he shot out a web and pulled the emergency exit.

Peter grabbed his backpack and crawled out of the window, latching onto the bus and putting on his Spider-Man mask. Madison grabbed her bag and then looked out of the window. Peter reached out a hand and helped her through the window and Madison held on tightly to his chest.

"Hold on!" Peter yell as he jumped off the bus and swung away.

Madison could feel the wind whipping through her hair as she held onto Peter for dear life. Yeah she could fly, but her suit wasn't on and she didn't feel that now would be an appropriate time to reveal her identity to the world. So she held on as Peter traveled as fast as he could, even accidently hitting the water of the river.

The girl could hear Peter's heart beat pumping faster than she ever thought possible. She could feel the excitement and fear coming off of him because of her new ability.

Minutes had passed and the two were now in an alley way. Madison was on one side of the garbage can while Peter was on the other, getting into his suit.

Madison looked down at the locket she was wearing. It was opened and she looked at the two people inside. One side had a picture of Tony and the other had a picture of Peter. Peter had gotten it for her as a birthday gift, and she hadn't taken it off since. And she decided that she wasn't going to take it off now.

So, she double tapped her bracelet and her new suit covered her body. The Nano-tech spread all around her body, protecting her from any harm. It was the newest suit she had made. It was the best one she had to date.

"You ready?" Madison asked as she looked at Peter.

"A little nervous. This is my first alien battle," he admitted, however his voice sounded a little excited.

Madison gave a shrug, "You'll get used to it."

"Yeah this is your third one isn't it?" Peter asked, remember that the girl had been an Avenger for most of her life.

"Second one," the girl corrected, "I don't think robots that I created with my dad count."

"Still more than me," Peter laughed.

Madison took a step closer and gave Peter a quick hug, "We'll be okay. Just stay safe."

The boy then gave a salute, "Will do."

And with that Madison gave a smile as she made her mask cover her face and she took off in the air. Peter followed close behind as the two made their way into a battle that would change their lives forever.

𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫] (ON HOLD!)Where stories live. Discover now