chapter 11

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Liam and Scott parked outside Liam's house. The beta was trying to calm himself down and think of something to say to his parents. Scott offered to come along and help Liam however he could, but he knew he didn't have the best track record with telling people about the supernatural.

"The team bus leaves in an hour, it's now or never." Scott gave his beta an encouraging smile before they both got out of the car. Liam continued to repeat his mantra with each step they took. When they entered the house his parents were sitting on the couch watching some movie.

"Mom, dad, can we talk?" Liam got their attention before sitting on a two seater to their left. His mom paused the movie and gave him a smile. "Sure hun, what do you need?" His dad nodded to him and Scott. Liam looked to Scott who gave him a nod to start.

"Remember those attacks at the school and around town? People claimed that there were monsters living among us and they needed to be hunted and killed?" Liam knew they had heard about the hunter war. Although they saw scared people making up stories and killing innocent people. The news didn't cover it much but they did talk about some of the packs that were slaughtered by the hunters.

"Well, the people doing the attacks were hunters. Some professional, some amature, but they were all hunting the same thing. Supernatural creatures: werewolves, werecoyotes, werejaguars, chimeras, kanimas, kitsunes, basically all the fairy tale creatures that go bump in the night." Liam waited for the laughs. Waited for his parents to say he was crazy or ask if this was a prank.

"Liam, I know we never said this to you before, and I thought you were old enough to know this, but those things don't exist." Liam nodded and looked to Scott. He needed help here. "Uh, Mrs. Geyer, we can prove they do." Liam's mom gave Scott a disapproving look, as if to say she didn't like that he was encouraging Liam.

"Let me guess. You have a video you and your friends took in the woods one night. It's dark but if we focus, we'll see a werewolf?" Dr. Geyer chuckled and patted his wife's knee. "Liam..." Scott cut him off.

"No sir, no video. We can give you real life, in person proof." The Geyers gave Scott an incredulous look, but made a hand gesture to tell him 'go on'. Scott and Liam both looked at each other before turning to his parents. Simultaneously Scott and Liam let their eyes glow, slowly their human features shifted to show their werewolf features.

Liam's mom gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Dr. Geyer eyes shifted back and forth between Liam and Scott. After they were sure his parents got a good look the werewolves shifted back to human. Liam gave his parents time to process before speaking again.

"Scott and I are werewolves. Scott has been a werewolf since he was 16. He changed me to save my life." Liam sat forward a bit and addressed his step dad. "Do you remember when I started Beacon Hills, and I got injured at Lacrosse? That night in the hospital, I was attacked by a wendigo. He would have killed me if Scott hadn't of changed me." Scott gave Liam a small smile. He still had regrets from that night but he was glad that Liam knew he only did it to save him.

"Since then, Scott, his pack, and I have been doing everything we can to protect Beacon Hills from others like us that want to hurt people." The beta figured he should start with the good before going into everything. "We try to do good and save people. We're not monsters and we're not killers." Liam's mom let out a small sob.

She had heard her co workers talk about hunting teens at the high school for being monsters. She had seen people buying guns and claiming they needed to protect their families. She never thought Liam was one of those teens they talked about hunting. Each time she saw a new news report of a teen that had been killed, she thanked god it wasn't someone Liam knew, that it wasn't someone who could have put Liam in danger.

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