Chapter 1 : Awake

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Authors note : welcome wolf lovers. I have never written an author's note before but I would just like to say thank you for reading my book this one has been a long time coming! It isn't my first book on here butttttttt my other books I unpublished because I wrote them when I was 13 when I first got wattpad like a million years ago.

Also I write this book late at night when my son and husband are asleep or busy so I apologize for spelling and grammar errors because there will be ALOT. Once I finish this book I will go through it and fix them. Please enjoy! I have read A LOT of werewolf books and I intend to make this one a little bit classic and a lot different than the stereotypical wolf book. This book will probably make you mad, angry and give you anxiety for the characters but you will also jump up and down smiling as well. So please sit down relax and scroll the paiges of this book because it's going to get good!

I'm I'm running. The forest floor is damp from the morning dew. The light is gently shining through the breaks in the trees gently warming my skin. I can feel the leves with my feet and the dirt between my toes as I run. I stop abruptly in a fog of confusion, for I do not know if I'm running from something or towards it. Maybe it is all a metaphor and their is a third option. Maybe I'm running with something, but if I were what was was something. Wouldn't that mean im still running from something...

I start panicking. I feel as if i cant breath. My lungs feel full of the thick fluid. I fall to my knees digging my naked hands into the ground feeling the rocks and the pine needles on my finger tips. Im frantic and I don't know why. I keep digging trying to find something to grasp onto. I can't find what i'm looking for. I dont even no what it is I cant find. The voice of reason in my mind that's usually their is gone and filled with a void of darkness.

I close my eyes and try and recenter myself. I feel gravity shift as I coiled with something. Slowly opening my eyes I find that my surroundings have changed. I'm in my bedroom. and I'm on the floor.

"I'm Awake?" I whispered.

It was just a dream. A strange dream leaving me in a mood.

I stretch my body and get up off the floor. My clothes are soaked in sweat so I make my way to the window, opening it and letting the morning breeze kiss my skin. My eyes wonder the forest searching and scanning for something out of the ordinary but everything seems to be just fine. I see a few of the pack members in the garden and some of the warriors sprinting to the meadow beyond the tree line. From the looks of it their likely running late for training.

I walk to the bathroom connected to my room, running the brush through my golden hair. I looked in the mirror inspecting my appearance. My green/blue eyes had bags under them indicating a disturbed night of sleep. Taking a deep breath i finish brushing my hair i let it fall down my back. I sigh to myself and proceed to get dressed.

"Can we go for a run willow?" My wolf resa askes me.

 As a werewolf you share your body with your wolf their mind shared with yours. No thoughts hidden from one another. I'm in control of my body and actions ... for the most part anyways . Its almost like playing a game of tugga war. When we are in wolf form and going on runs I let her have more of the rope. Depending on the situation she can try and push herself to the surface but only when i am overcome with emotion.

"Yes a run is what i need too" i say to my wolf resa through our link.

I put on a pair of leggings and a old rock band t shirt and throw my feet into my old beat up running shoes.

I make my way out of my room and down the hall. I live in the pack house. All unmated wolves live here. Once you find your mate the pack gives you a small house on the territory. The higher your rank the bigger the house. Im only 19 so its typical that i would still be in the pack house. Once you turn 17 your parents send you to live in the pack house.

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