Chapter 5

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AN yes guys another update! I will always try and update as much as I can! Xoxo -KB

"Wholey hell lilly do you need to take a break?" Looking down at lil who was currently laying on her back on the grass panting. We were warming up for her 'punishment' we had ran 7 miles in human form and now we were currently sparing.

"Na -Im o-okay I think.." she rolls onto her tummy and pushes herself up putting her hands on her knees. "How - do - you not even break a sweat." she says through heavy breaths. I just shrug my shoulders. "Honestly willow you're not even tired you actually look board!" lilly exclaims. " I just always feel as if I have too much energy... I love running and working out and letting my wolf run free but im just not into group settings back home that was my biggest issue. Oh and being the betas daughter I wanted to make sure I could hold my own." "damn girl you can definitely hold your own." We both slightly laughed and we started making our way to the training field.

We were a few minutes early and we spotted steven and tanner. " Hey guys!" lilly chirps as we walk towards them. They were both laughing about something "what's so funny?" both lil and I ask steven looks at us and says " Tanner was just telling me some of the crazy parties that him and lilly throw and I was telling him about the time you used the beer pong table as a slip n slide and then did a backflip off the pack house roof into the pool" lilly looked at me with amusement "guilty as charged." I said shly " And as far as beer pong goes I am and will always go to extremes." Tanner looked at me with a flirty expression "is that a challenge?" he asked taking a step slightly closer I took one step closer to him "I love a good challenge how about lil and I VS you and steven." I looked at lil for confirmation and she shook her head and said a hell yeah Tanner put his hand out for me to shake on it but before i could shake his hand he pulled away slightly and said "what are the wages?" I thought on it for a second. "How about a mystery dare. You can dare me to do anything if you win and I dare you to do anything if I win. The boys looked at each other smiling and Tanner shook my hand.

A few Moments of aimless chatter latter. The training field started to get crowded with mostly men and a few females. Everyone was getting into a big circle. " so lils what is the big punishment?" I asked slightly curious. Tanner just looked at me half amused threw me a wink and threw his shirts off running into the center of the circle. He threw his hands up for everyone to yell and the crowd went wild. What is with these two siblings they sure know how to run the show. Lilly squeezed my arm firmly and giving me a smile and said "just wait and see and wish me luck." and she jogged in the circle.

That was the first time I saw Him. He was on the other side of the field. People who surrounded him were clearing a path for him to walk. They bowed their heads slightly in submission as he went by. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place where from.

Looking at him made my heart stop and my palms sweaty. I felt this invisible pull between us that felt as if we were connected by some type of rope. My wolf started yipping at the service begging to be let out but it took everything in me to keep her at bay. I wasn't sure if he had noticed me yet till he looked over at me and glanced into my eyes looking directly at my soul. He was at least 6'4 and he had jet black hair that was perfectly styled and he was VERT well built But the second was short lived because when I looked at his ocean blue eyes I saw absolutely no emotion. It was as if he had no soul at all. I wasn't sure till I sniffed the air and smelt apple pie and pine needles. It was so intoxicating that I nearly passed out and even slightly wollboled in my spot. My Wolf at that moment screamed in my head 'MATE'

I spoke to my wolf 'resa what mate your being delusional' she growled at me knowing that I was lying but a few things were already very clear. 1. He is alpha banter. A Killer. A man who does not care about anything a man who is ruthless a man that people talk about as a modern day boogeyman. 2. He won't even look at me so as far as I can tell the not wanting a mate part was mutual. My heart? Slightly ached but I pushed all of the overwhelming emotions deep inside of me locking them away and hiding the key. I won't let myself get hurt again.

He made his way to the middle standing between lily and Tanner. " Lillyfire Banter and Tanner Banter Disobey direct orders from their alpha. The consequence is as such. They will fight every wolf in the lineup failure to do so will conclude is a worse more deserved punishment." his voice was deep and pured to my wolf but the words he spoke were hollow to me and they were bitter and violent."

I looked over to the left side of the circle and saw pack members getting in line. Alpha banter stepped to the side watching as the fights were just about to start. Tanner starting the first fight followed by lilly fighting after. Alpha banter not even glancing at me not even caring that his mate was in front of him.

I watched as lilly was starting to get tired and almost collapsed. But she managed to play a good defence. Tanner on the other hand was fighting with ease. Having alpha blood and insticks making it easier. "This pack is crazy willow they run things so different here." Steven said slightly making me jump I hadn't noticed him next to me still. I just mumbled a "I know its crazy."

Lilly had finished her last aponit and she seemed a little worse for wear as for Tanner he seemed a little over confident. Before I even knew what I was doing. I took a few strides forward and entered the circle. I think my wolf took over slightly wanting to get the attention of her mate. All Eyes were on me. I could feel alpha banters eyes on the back of my head burning holes into my skull. Tanner just laughed at me and around us I could here people whispering. 'Who is she?' 'she thinks she can beat him?' 'oh this will be good' mumbling and staring from their entire pack was directed towards me but I just tooned them all out. There is no going back now. " are you sure about this willow?" Tanner asked smiling at me. Oh yeah im so gonna wipe that smile off his face. I nodded my head indicating yes. We circled each other for a few seconds and the crowd around us fell silent. He rushed towards me trying to go for a tackle but I jumped out of the way and pushed him down useing his back as leverage to use it as my own personal gymnastics spring board I did a backflip off of him. He recentered himself his smile slightly faded. I just stood there looking unfazed. We faught back n fourth like that for several minutes and then I calmly walked up to him and right as he was going in for a punch I ducked and kicked out his feet. He caught his fall charging me once more and picking my foot up and flipping me on the ground and pinning me down. Surprisingly my so called mate seemed to not care about my safety if anything he seemed slightly amused?

Since I was pinned and I didn't have nearly as much body muscle as a full grown man. I slightly prayed to the moon goddess that my next party trick hurts him more then it's going to hurt me and I dont pass out like last time. Tanner was smiling down on me. "Is that all you got princess?" he asked amused I just grinned and said "im sorry." in the most sarcastic tone I could muster " what fo-" before he could fully respond I picked my head up as hard as I could and slammed it into him. He right away fell off of me and was knocked out I tried getting up off the ground but quickly followed the unconscious train seconds later.

I was probably only passed out for a moment because when I woke up lilly was kneeling over me. "Hey are you okay willow?" I blinked a few times trying to make my vision recenter "did I win?" she laughed slightly "yeah you won you crazy wolf." she put her hand out for me to grab so I could sit up. When I looked around, everyone was gone besides weston and steven who were currently helping tanner up. I saw alpha banter walking back towards the pack house. And my wolf silently called out to his wolf but she whimpered when she didn't get a response. She wanted her mate to comfort her. I felt awful resa wanted her mate so bad and i was the one standing in front of her not wanting a mate.

"Hey tanner are you okay?" I grownd apologetically I hate doing that I only do it if I have too. " yeah lil im alright but wholly crap was that necessary I feel like I got hit by a semi truck and have a hangover on top of it." Lilly also looked absolutely exhausted "who needs a drink?" lilly asked the 3 boys and I all said "me" in unison.

I found my mate today. A man who is heartless a man who is cruel a man that had to be broken just like me to become this way. I don't want him. but him not acknowledging me today left an emptiness no about of alcohol could fix. 

AN  Okay guys I kinda hate this chapter buttttttt I promise it will get better. anyway thoughts?

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