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With a soft hum, Taehyung turns Sumin around and pulls her in closer, both hands at home on her hips. They were the same height with the slight heel on Sumin's boots. He swept his gaze over her face - her smoky eyes with the mole under it, lovely red lips, the curve of her neck - and she found herself doing the same.

Noticing her attention on his coral-pink mouth, he quirks it up, completely at odds with the Taehyung she had been talking to all of last week. It was only yesterday that he was shy and flinching, quiet and cautious. But here he was now, bold and relaxed in front of her with his hands on her hips.

It felt curious to be held so gently, so steadily even though her head was whirling. To be so hyperaware of only him when the whole throng was heaving against them. This close, she could smell him, shea butter soap and sandalwood cologne.

She would only have to lean forward a little to make their lips meet.

She didn't.

This is the alcohol talking, Min. Don't listen to it if you still want to be his friend.

"Get your hands off her!"

A yell from nearby. It was loud, and many turned towards the sound. It came from the nearby glass doors which led outside, a familiar voice that sounded frantic and panicked. Sumin grabs onto Taehyung's hand to go after the noise, weaving between startled people in her mad dash.

She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she ignored it.

Outside, the moon hung low and heavy, illuminating the fields surrounding the house and the distant bumps that Sumin knew were cows sleeping on the grass.

They spotted a small group of people a little way from the door, jeering loudly and gesturing crudely. Two girls were being held against the wall by four boys - Sumin could just make out the tear-streaked faces of her classmate, Vera, and... Seonhi?! I'm gonna break that little shit's dick.

"Back the fuck off Gookdu," Seonhi says to the one gripping her arm. "Don't you fucking dare touch Vera. I'll call the police on your ass!"

The boys look at her and laugh, raspy chuckles that set her chin trembling.

The one holding her - Gookdu - raises his free hand to strike her face. A sudden, calm rage settles on Sumin and she snaps forward, wrapping her fingers around his wrist before he can hit Seonhi. In his drunken daze, Taehyung didn't notice her moving until she was there, but this sobers him up quickly.

"Careful there, that's my friend you're touching."

She glares him down icily, cocking her head up slightly to look down her nose at him. He blinks and straightens a little, then scowls again, ripping his wrist out of her grip.

"Get outta here, girlie," he says, a sneer twisting up his handsome face. "Unless you want to join them."

"I don't think I will. Let them go."

He does so with a growl, and signals for the other girl to be released as well. At a wave of his hand, the boys arrange themselves in a loose semi-circle around Sumin, cracking their knuckles with smirks on their faces.

"We're not afraid to hit girls," Gookdu says, and the other boys grunt in agreement.

Sumin jerks her head at Seonhi and Vera, prompting them to scramble out of the way to Taehyung and the doors.

"You might wanna stop before you get hurt," she says. She rolls her shoulders, taking deeper breaths to sharpen her focus.

They snicker, eyes raking over her short skirt and red boots. "We'll take our chances."

on the day the mirror broke . kthWhere stories live. Discover now