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The boy's doorbell rung.

This was the third time in the two months he'd been in his new house.

It terrified him.

He sat in his new home, too afraid to go out, too afraid to breathe, too afraid to eat.
Too afraid.
Of her.

She who made him like this, who made him afraid of other girls, whom he thought he loved.
She who made him hate himself.

The boy stood naked in front of his mirror and looked. And looked. And looked. His eyes ran over the limp hair and sunken cheeks, the bony shoulders and hips, the knobbly knees and elbows, the skin stretched gaunt over his ribs.

His stomach growled loudly. It sounded like a monster roaring to be satisfied, to be fed and given just enough to survive.

The boy ignored it.
If he didn't, she might get angry and hate him. Not that she needed a reason to do that anyway.

She always had something to say about him; his hair wasn't short enough, he wasn't muscly enough, he wasn't skinny enough.

He just wasn't enough.

And yet...
He wanted her to love him.

He wanted, needed to feel her lips on his again. No, 'need' wasn't a strong enough word.
The boy yearned for her. Pined for her. Craved her.

Hated her.

He would go back to being her doll in an instant.

He wanted to cut off all the parts of his that she doesn't like. Then she would come back, wouldn't she?
If he made himself pretty, would she with the harsh words come back?

The boy hoped not.

He hated her. No, 'hate' wasn't a strong enough word.
The boy detested her. Loathed her. Abhorred her.

Loved her.

If she was a poison he would scream and drink her up, over and over.

No regrets.

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

‣ 200703
hahahahaha so,,,
this book is finally back!
the first chapter's a little washy coz I'm introducing many people there, so don't give up on it yet :)

love you,

on the day the mirror broke . kthWhere stories live. Discover now