XXVIII | Damage Control

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Jumin, by some miracle, managed to get everything back to normal for Jaehee and Yoosung. I know I don't say this much and I can be completely against paying someone off, but it gets the job done. Sadly, Jumin had to spend unnecessarily. If this didn't happen, we wouldn't have to face all this right now. He got someone to investigate the health violation accusations and clear that thing up. And same goes for Yoosung’s case.

I had discussed Zen’s problem with Jumin before, leaving out the ‘You may not need to know’ details. Since there's no clear cut solution to this, and today's the day.

I'm a car ride away from meeting up with Jumin. He took the liberty of getting me there on time.

Though, I could do without the suit. Since I didn't bring mine with me and he wanted me to attend the hearing, accompanying his lawyer, he got me this suit-skirt/dress. I send him all my measurements and it hilarious how they seem to have gotten it slightly wrong. I already have a problem with these things why make it any more unbearable?

But all in all this should be an easy win. Jumin has the proof of the company's spendingd and none of which is enough to change the behaviour of the stocks.

And with the help of Jumin's high-end lawyer, this should be a piece of cake.

We arrive at the C&R building in no time at all. I was told to head for the fifteenth floor, but when I get there I'm lost. Luckily I spot Mc from across the floor and walk towards her.

“Am I glad to see you!”

“Yeah, the building can be a little overwhelming, that's why Jumin asked me to wait out here for you.”

“I hope you didn't have to wait long.”

“Don't sweat it. C'mon they're waiting for you.” She pushes the handle down and walks in, as I follow in tow.

The door opened up to a large room, where some walls were made of glass providing a window to the outside world and giving off enough light and heat to warm up the place. Along the end of the conference table stood Jumin and sitting on one of the seats next to him was, I'm guessing his lawyer.

“And this, Mr. Cho, is the woman I’ve told you about.” The man gave me a glance, before turning back to Jumin. Rude much. I can tell by just the lack of acknowledgment he gave that this man will be annoying.

“Good morning.” I smile warmly at Jumin.

“Morning, Minette.” He returns the gesture. “Sit. We're just quickly going over everything, right now.”

“Sounds good.” I nod as I pull up a chair on the other side of him.

Then the twenty minute of counting down the evidence and calculating the direction the prosecutor may take the information that was already presented and how he would counteract our statements began.

This is going good. Everything seems solid.

“Now, Miss, if you'd pass your folder I'd like to take a look at what you've gathered.” Mr. Cho  says, talking directly to me this time. Of course I did my own bit of evidence collecting to help out. I wasn't about to come unprepared and empty handed. It took me two days to review all the documents and I think I pretty much got it covered. Though, there's no such thing as being too prepared.

“What's this?” he asks, pulling out the copy of Jumin's personal spendings on his winery.

“ I asked Mr. Han to send me his expenditures towards the facility. That farm is the only place Mr. Han has spend a large amount on in the past six months, not to mention the spending being broadcasted all over the news at the time. So, to avoid anything unnecessary, I needed proof that every cent that went into that facility was solely for its benefit.”

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