I finally had my appointment with my midwife. She was really nice listened to everything I had to say and was really insiteful. I told her my husband and I have been TTC (trying to concieve) for 2 years and haven't had any luck other then my miscarriage a year ago now. She prescribed me Letorozole or Femara for generic brand. I have only taken 1 round so far and I'm anxious to see if we have had any results. My husband and I have decided that if we can't fall pregnant by 30 (I'm 28) then we will try other methods. Ex: IVF. If that is too costly (which it most likely will be) then we will move for adoption. I want to be a mother more then anything in this world. I want a mini version of my husband and myself. I'm starting to come to the realization that might never happen. It's been a hard, emotional road to this point, with alot of ups and downs. Alot of heartbreak and disappointment some days I just want to throw the towel in and say "fuck it, it's obviously not meant to be." But I just can't give up that easily. I will be buying a pregnancy test today to check to see if the Femara worked. With my PCOS it's hard to pin point when I ovulate, another struggle I've had to overcome, but I'm hoping this time will be the lucky time. If I do all 3 rounds and I have no luck I'm taking a break for a while. It's too much stress and emotional toll on my body and mind, including my husband's too.
*Keep checking in for update on pregnancy test and round 2 of Femara ❤️😊 thank you to anyone who is reading this. It's not inparative that you do, so I appreciate it. ❤️😊😘