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"I bet that she will go to the bathroom after finishing that",were the words that made me stop pushing around the food on my plate

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"I bet that she will go to the bathroom after finishing that",were the words that made me stop pushing around the food on my plate. My gaze shot up and met the one of two men around twenty who were watching me. I raised my eyebrow at them and tried hard to feel nothing. That's nothing to joke about . That's wasn't what they expected and I could see the shock in their faces but they quickly came to their senses again. Too quickly.
"Look at her acting all cocky when she's the stupid one." "Yeah you're right I hate girls like that , thinking they look better like that",the other guy finished their tirade.
My body was burning in anger and shame. What do you know ! You just judge without knowing me.
I tried everything to keep calm but even thinking about the trip my brother promised me didn't help.
Trying to think of something to do to not cry ,the tears already gathering in my eyes.
Save the tears up for when you really need them.
The only thing I was able to think of was leaving and that's what I did.
I stood up abruptly causing the chair I was sitting on scratching over the floor making a sound that made everybody in the restaurant look at me. It took a lot of control to not just close my eyes and try to disappear. But I was able to ignore the strange looks people were giving me and stormed out of the store , not without showing the two asshole my middle finger . Of course that wasn't all calm and collected like I wanted to be but I had to let out my temper somehow.
That was also why I ended up at my usual hiding place, the rooftop of the "Red Lion" hotel. One of the most privileged and expensive hotels in the city and just one of the many buildings father owned . But luckily my brother was in charge of it since a year.

I was standing at the railing watching the clouds wandering through the blue sky. An almost calming view but nothing could tame the feelings that were wilding inside of me. I let out a deep sigh . I stood there for minutes trying to calm down when I heard somebody hectically opening the door . I flinched and quickly turned around to see who disturbed my much needed alone time and also because nobody except me had the key. The key my big brother gave me so that I have a place where I could definitely be at peace.
The boy that was standing in the now open door was looking just as surprised and was almost mirroring my expression.
But unlike me he quickly got over it closing and locking the door behind him . He then turned around again giving me a wide and probably completely fake smile .Something about him threw me off and I think it were his eyes . They had something in them, that I couldn't really identify yet. There was a mixture of fear, mischief and sadness.

He was really handsome with his messy brown hair and a leather jacket which made him look like a typical bad boy.
But I couldn't really appreciate his good looks because the boy that shouldn't even be on this rooftop suddenly fainted right in front of my eyes. His body hit the ground with a dull bang and even though the situation was completely unexpected I found myself sitting beside him carefully placing his head on my lap. I professionally checked if he was still breathing since I was used to deal with fainted people and was relieved that he actually was . I mustered him waiting for him to wake up. I didn't call an ambulance because I had the feeling that he wouldn't be happy about that.
I had no idea who he was and what he was doing on a rooftop he actually shouldn't be able to enter but I was able to observe his behavior in the short time he wasn't unconscious.
Observing people's behavior was my talent and something that has helped me in many situations.
And his just shouted that he was hiding from somewhat or something . Something happened to him and he probably fainted because if it.

After two hours where he still didn't wake up I really had to leave or mother wouldn't leave me alone for coming home after curfew so I lifted his head from my lap putting it on my jacket instead .
I gave him a last glance before leaving him with nothing except my jacket.
I don't know why but I somehow knew that he was going to be alright . Or maybe I was just hoping that he would because I couldn't bother adding another problem to my huge pile of them, each one larger than the other.

Halfway home I noticed that I didn't pay for my food back then but I just shrugged it off.
Even if someone of all the guest recognized me it wasn't like my father would care. He would always just pay people off so that my mistakes or scandals wouldn't effect him. He never said something to me about the things I did. I would love him to just shout at me sometimes or just showing any emotion to me at all. But he made me my mothers task.
A task she deceived and wanted to get over with as quickly as possible.
I'm surprised that they didn't just marry me off yet since my bad behavior wasn't something the public knew.
So I was a great match but I was sure that  they declined every offer expecting the best candidate people can think of.

It was the same for my brother who the also didn't marry off yet. No girl was good enough for him when it came to them but not because they thought he deserved better. They declined all the offers because they thought that they could do better. But thinking about my brother made me remember the guy on the rooftop and the question how he got a key for it. Since I suspected my brother as the one who gave him the key I wanted to call him to ask.
But when I tried to take my phone out of the left pocket of my jacket my hand reached into nowhere.
I left my jacket on the rooftop . I instantly turned around and ran back.

When I finally reached the rooftop my hair was a whole mess and I was breathing heavily. But all of that faded away when my gaze flew over the rooftop.
It was empty. Nothing. Nothing showed that I left an unconscious guy laying there.
He was nowhere to be seen and so was my jacket with my phone in it.
I didn't care that my jacket wasn't here but needed my phone . On there was too much to lose.
All my contacts , chats and videos...

So that day I decided to spend the night at the hotel not returning home, too exhausted to face my mother.
I fell asleep with the knowledge of having to solve two problems the next day.
I had to face my mothers anger and explain why I didn't come home and I had to find that boy to get my phone.
But who was he ?

But who was he ?

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