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 After waking up early in the hotel I prepared myself for my mother telling me off when I would return

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After waking up early in the hotel I prepared myself for my mother telling me off when I would return.
I didn't hurry on the way home since it wouldn't change the fact that I spend the night somewhere without her allowing it . And the only person where she allowed it was my best friend Xuan Yi ,who was luckily rich and known enough to be accepted by my parents. It wasn't rare for us to use it to hang out with people they didn't accept ,both using the other for their cover.
But without my phone I couldn't ask her and no ,using the hotel phone wasn't an option.
Even though my brother was in control of the hotel the one paying the workers were still my parents so they couldn't be trusted.

After I typed in the password and entered our house I wasn't greeted with an often practiced slap on the cheek or shouters. I was greeted by my humming mother who was siting on the couch observing the cleaning staff scurrying through it.
"Good morning, Lihua. I see it wasn't a planned over night stay since you didn't change your clothes"
I was too stunned to respond so I just nodded.
"You see normally I would be furious but your misbehavior is nothing new and your father isn't here for the weekend anyways", everything she said made me even more nervous but the last thing topped everything.
"And something great happened recently but it's too early to tell you yet."

She smiled at my derailed expression and nodded with a satisfied smile.
"You should wear a ponytail more often it suits you and now go up to your room. You're dismissed."

The first thing I did after entering my room was yanking the hair tie out off my hair destroying the ponytail.
After that I sat down thinking about what in the world could possibly make my mother that happy.
Happy enough to only smile at my misbehavior .
Something smelled weird. And I was going to find out what was going on.
So I patiently waited for her to leave the house to snoop around, since I couldn't think off anything.

An hour later I heard my mother taking a call and shortly after I heard the main door closing with a loud sound. To make sure that she was leaving the house I looked out of the window to check it .
And really ,she was leaving . Of course together with the cleaning stuff since she didn't trust them. She thought that the minute she would leave them alone or alone with me they would steal everything. So she always kept an eye on them.

My hand was slightly shaking in a mixture off fear and excitement when I left my room to search trough our house for hints why my mother was behaving so strange this morning. I searched through almost everything and found nothing.
Only one room was left but it was my fathers working room and it was locked with a code that I didn't knew.

So gave up and decided to solve another of my problems. My missing phone.
My missing phone that probably still was with the boy from yesterday.
So I did the only thing I could think off and called my brother with our home phone . Luckily I knew his number by heart.

He instantly picked up which wasn't usual.
"Hey Lihua, sweetie."
"Hey Kun", I replied with a smile on my lips. I couldn't be angry at my brother ,never, not even for causing me problems.
"It's good that you called but it's probably not because something good happened ,right?"
"Yeah",I just answered.
"So tell me what happened little one?"
"After an incident I was using my hiding space.."
"The rooftop of my "Red Lion"?", he interrupted me.
"Yes, so I was using it and suddenly a guy entered. He had a key!"
"A key?",Kuns voice was suddenly filled with worry.
"Yes, did you ever gave someone except me a key?"
"A good friend of mine who often caused problems. I told him that when he had major ones he could move here and stay in my hotel. I told him to come to the rooftop when he's in trouble", he sounded really worried now," what happened ? Did he say something? Where is he now ?"
"I don't know ", hearing this made me feel really bad ," he instantly fainted and I stayed with him for a bit. He had nothing major so I left him there with my jacket after a while. You know how mom is?"
"Darn ! But that's not all ,right ?"
"No I came back after noticing that I left my phone in my jacket", I didn't even bother lying to make me look better," but when I arrived he wasn't there anymore."
It was quiet for a while and I could almost hear his brain working it's ass off.
"I'm sorry to bother you with it but I can't come back right now, could you take care of it ?"
"It's okay. What do you want me to do ?"
"I have a friend who probably knows where he is. They hate each other but Lucas probably still knows where YangYang is. I'll give you an address please try to find Lucas ,just ask for him they know him there. And please be careful the location is kinda dangerous", he sighed probably because he felt bad that he send his little sister to a dangerous place.
"It's okay it's important for you."
"I would say take someone with you but your rich male friends would probably spill something."
"Yeah probably. And Xuan Yi can't because she has a lot of problems herself right now ."
"Oh ,what's bothering her ?",Kun asked almost sounding like he wasn't dying because of curiosity.
"Her boyfriend and now focus on your missing friend again"
"Sorry just wanted to be polite",he answered causing both of us to chuckle until we remembered the situation again.

After that he told me the location where I should look for Lucas who was supposed to know where Mr. Fainty would be. I was planning to go the next day since it was too late now .
Even though I had a lot in my mind I still couldn't help but wonder where Kun met this kind of people ,they sounded like quite the troublemakers , and started caring for them.
But I would soon enough see for myself.

 But I would soon enough see for myself

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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