5 ~ Moving On... Or so I thought ~ 5

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"Something happened to you, I know it... It was in the news, you went missing!"

"Missing...?" Elise was now confused, the sorcerers never told anyone where she was? Have they been searching for her for the past few months?
What was happening?!

That was about 15 years ago... I know, we are moving quickly, but this is kind of important...

I had gotten married to Carmen, and my name is now Elise Orchid, I know, it's pretty great, right? You'd think I would be having the best time of my life... Right??

"Elise! Are you coming to bed? You need to sleep too..." I heard Carmen say from one end of the room, and I just let out a nervous chuckle, "Yeah, I'm coming... Something just doesn't feel right..."

"You're just saying that because you're birthday was yesterday, something always doesn't feel right after your birthday apparently." Carmen replied, and I just turned on my heel to face my husband, "No! It's not that this time... I'm worried about your trip tomorrow, I mean, from London to America, that's a long trip... Are you sure you don't want to just use my sling ring?"

"I'm sure... I'd rather seem as normal as I can when I get there, I can't just walk through a blazing portal in my new job like, hey, I'm more important than everyone here."

"You might be right, it's probably just me being too scared of being alone for a while... After all, you are going to be gone for basically the entire year, are you sure you won't gain a mistress while you're there?" I spoke, my voice softening with each word... I then crossed my arms as I gripped slightly onto my sides, while Carmen just let out a laugh.

"Dear, you do know I'm loyal, right? Now come on, just lay down and head to bed already... You seriously need your sleep." He spoke, patting the spot next to him, causing me to smile at him and finally lay down on the bed, covering up with the sheets... Soon, we both fell asleep, falling deep into our lovely dreams for a while until...

(Book; Where has she gone?)

I let out a light gasp as I felt life come back to me... The sweet light returning to my eyes as I sat up, but then I felt dizzy... Drowsiness reaching my head once again, causing me to plop back down onto my back...

"What happened...? Why am I here again..?"

I felt myself let out a breath as I attempted to re-collect my thoughts... But alas, I couldn't achieve that simple task.. So I simply tried to get up once more, this time succeeding in the process, before stumbling and placing my hand on a nearby wall for balance...

But I quickly recoiled after I had felt the wall, which was squishy and completely black.. And that was when I realized, I wasn't in the Sanctum anymore, no! I was surrounded in a room of black... Which had a table off to the side, along with a torch, while the floor was covered with a rug so I wouldn't fall through the squishy substance that the room contained..

But why? I sat down at the table near the torch, once again trying to collect my thoughts, and that was when it hit me.

The darkness!

"It must have gotten control of my body over night, oh, you..."

I ended up muttering a few curse words under my breath as I held my head down on the table... The stress was already building up on me ever since Carmen told me that he had a new job offer on the table... It was all the way in Kansas, in the United States, so obviously you can imagine my stress of being away from my husband for that long... But I had to stay in London, the sanctum still needed to be rebuilt after all.

I was just completely silent as the warm feeling from the torch helped the temperature from getting too low... The flick of the flames helped me calm myself down... Reminding me very well of Lynsey Ellison, causing me to just smile.
I actually shut up for once, afraid of what could possibly happen to my body while I was in this coma... Just stagnant in bed, doing nothing, what will Carmen do?!

Oh man, if I have to deal with this for the next year, we are going to be in for a lot of twists and turns...

Chapter End

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