Chapter 13: Dog Days

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Dumbledore has never been more furious in his entire life.

Not only is Lady Longbottom now aware of her surroundings, Lord Longbottom is banned from the manor, but his weapon also managed to escape twice with his summoner. 

Now everything is falling apart with The Order asking too many questions and doubting their leader. That is until Dumbledore finds a new angle to solve his situation. The only thing that will restore order and bring all the power back onto himself is to get the boy back. That's how the leader of the Light finds himself knocking on the door of number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"What are you doing here? Go away. What do you want?" the insane ramblings of the ex-convict fills the kitchen as he twitches around the room in clear agitation. He had let in the old man because of the lack of visitors since his escape. Since much before his escape if the man actually allowed himself to think about it.

"I just came to check up on one of my favorite students," Dumbledore lies easily. In reality, he'd rather be anywhere than in this house reeking of dark magic.

"I'm not going back. You can't send me back. I won't go back. Not ever. Not going..." the deranged man continues to mumble to himself as he paces around, one hand firmly tugging at his hair.

"I wouldn't dream of you going back to that god awful place."

"Really?" Sirius stands still for the first time the headmaster has entered the house.

"Never," the perfect fib just to get exactly what he wants. "I just need a little favor that I'm sure you wouldn't mind helping with."

"If this is about The Order--"

"It's about young Harry."

"My cub? What happened? Where is he?" 

"I fear he has been taken from his lovely relatives. A simple act of young rebellion, but I fear what could happen to such a young child in the big world."

"Say no more Headmaster, I was just about to go after him once I got a little rest."

"Very good, my boy. Contact me as soon as you have him and we'll all meet at Hogwarts where everyone can see that he's safe and sound."

"Of course, Headmaster," the animagus nods eagerly before departing from the dreary house, glad to have something that'll keep his mind off the bitter cold of Azkaban. 


"Black escaped Azkaban earlier this week," Severus informs the group once he's made sure that tiny ears aren't in hearing distance.

"Did he now? What is the Order doing about it?" the Dark Lord questions his spy.

"Last that I heard Dumbledore was going to his house to see if he took up residence there."

"The ancient Black House?" Bella asks as she leads her younger sister to the opposite couch the men are sitting on.

"That would be the one. It's also The Order's Headquarters," Severus provides. "Although, I've heard that they've been locked out for quite some time."

"And they can only get access with the permission of the current Lord Black. That responsibility must have been fallen onto Harry while Sirius was imprisoned but now that he's out Lady Magic must recognize him as the true Lord," Lucius supplies the group.

"We need to keep Harry away from Sirius until we can determine what he wants and who's side is he on." A chorus of agreement rings out before everyone disperses to do their own thing.


Sirius travels tirelessly for 4 days coming across  Harry's scent again and again only for it to lead to dead ends. Until the fourth day when he stumbles upon a manor with a backyard that's drenched in his cub's scent. It isn't until he sees the beautiful, black-haired child that he allows himself to rest under a large shady tree.


"Guys there's a doggy over there!" Harry exclaims before running over to the animal.

"Harry wait!" Draco rushes over before the smaller boy can actually touch the possibly diseased creature. "We don't know who it belongs to or whether it has rabies or not."

"It could be dangerous," Nevillraisee follows the other two boys cautiously, not being an animal person himself. "We should go get an adult."

"No! They'll never let us keep it. I never get to keep any animal I find," Harry starts tearing up as memories of Dudley snapping the necks of baby birds Harry had found and tried to raise. "P-please don't tell."

"It's ok, Harry. Calm down. We won't tell. This can be our secret until we can convince my parents to let us keep it." Although Draco can think of a million scenarios that this turns out to be a bad idea he knows how much worse it will get if Harry has a panic attack in the middle of the gardens while he's supposed to be watching them.

"Yay! Thank you so much. We need to get some water for him and food," not waiting for an answer,  the Gryffindor is off running towards the table where Mrs. Malfoy placed snacks for them. Harry empties one bowl of fruits on the tray and dumps a glass of water inside before making his way over with a second bowl. He places both down by the dog and, after internally debating with himself, gently strokes his fur. The animal, that Harry only now realizes is much too big to be a normal dog, ruses himself. Blinking slowly, Sirius has to wait a moment until his tired mind catches up to the fact that his god-pup is kneeling right in front of him. Regardless of his state of health, the animagus jumps up and yips happily. 

Harry flinches at the sudden movement causing Sirius to let out a whimper and crouch down, in an attempt to make himself smaller and less threatening. That is until he spots the blonde hair that defines the Malfoy family. Growling low and deep, the Grim slowly rises only to stop when Harry lets out a shocked cry and runs over to the boy. The blonde stands his ground as Harry and another boy Sirius can't identify at the moment cower behind him. A new level of respect grows for the Malfoys as he witnesses the young blonde standing up for his clearly frighten cub.

"Draco, d-do so-some-thing," Harry says close to tears. "I don't w-want the d-doggy anymore."

 Sirius immediately stops and resumes his submissive position at hearing Harry say he didn't want him around.

"It's okay Harry. Uncle Sev always says that animals are more afraid of us than we are of them. Just stay back with Neville and I'll handle this." 

As if he's had years of experience, Draco approaches the crouched dog cautiously with his hand held out. He moves slowly and deliberately until he's close enough to place a gentle hand on top of the animal's head.

Sirius isn't sure what the child, Draco, sees in his eyes but he gently smiles before speaking, "Let's keep him."

I made a deal with @nightwing2. They agreed to update Second Chances if I updated this story. If you read that as well comment your favorite part and if you don't go read it. :)

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