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You had just watched your friend, Jongup, perform in his first play. Now you were heading backstage to visit him. You knocked on his dressing room door and it immediately swung open.

"Hey Y/N!" Jongup answered with a big smile as he leaned against the door frame. "How'd I do?"

"You did great, Uppie!" you replied happily, your words making your friend beam happily.

"Thank you! Hey, let me change real quick and we can go celebrate back at my place."

You nodded as Jongup disappeared into his dressing room. You found a place to sit and began scrolling through your phone.

Then you heard a cough.

"Daehyun?" You stared up at the figure that was now hovering over you with a flustered smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Watching my friend perform," he laughed, rolling his eyes at your question. "Where is he, by the way?"

"Changing," you murmured, trying your best not to become a shy mess.

Daehyun has been Jongup's best guy friend for as long as you could remember and he was also your crush. You always got shy around him, but this time you were bound and determined to stay strong.

"Really-?" Daehyun whined, looking over at Jongup's dressing room with a pout before extending his hand towards you. "Follow me."

You felt your face heat up as you grabbed his hand, following him to an empty dressing room at the end of the hall.

"So," Daehyun began, shutting the door behind him as he sauntered towards you, "I know you like me, Y/N."

Before you could say anything, Daehyun picked you up and held you tightly in his arms. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and stared into his eyes with a dark blush.

His thumbs gently rubbed at your thighs as he gave you a loving smile. You took this time to  study his features.

You noted how sparkly his eyes were today. How they seemed to smile with his lips. Oh, his lips. They seemed so full today, so intoxicating to the eye. You mindlessly ran your fingers through his soft hair and forgot there was a world outside of Daehyun.

You didn't realize you had been leaning towards him until your forehead touched his, earning a soft chuckle from him. You were about to mutter an apology, but he was quick to close the space between the two of you.

You sighed as his lips moved with yours, a soft tingly feeling erupting in your stomach; an indication that this truly was the man you loved.

Unfortunately, the two of you were interrupted by a very


pissed off Jongup.


This was based off a dream I had last night.

Yes. I had a dream that I made out with your oppar.

Deal wit it😎


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