Chapter 6

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"Hi Harry," I whisper as I open the door wider to allow him inside the house.

Harry enters the house with a huge smile at Luke and I; once the door is shut behind him, he hands me the bouquet of flowers. "These are you, Lou; I hope you still like these."

"I still do, thank you Harry," I say softly as I smell the flowers as Luke copies my actions causing Harry and I to laugh.

"Pre'y," Luke compliments as he pulls his face away from the flowers.

Giggling at him as I say, "Yes they are pretty flowers."

Finding a vase in an upper cupboard, I fill it before placing the flowers inside and then taking the vase and flowers to sit it on the middle of the kitchen table.

Turning back around, I'm surprised to find Harry staring as he smiles gently at Luke and I.

Luke has his head on my shoulder as he plays with my hair as he stares at Harry in curiosity.

"Pa-pa,who?" Luke asks me softly as he continues to stare at Harry in wonder.

Smiling at Harry who has remaind quiet the entire time; "He's my friend Harry. Can you say hi to Harry, Lukie?"

Luke waves softly at Harry as he buries his face in my neck, becoming shy. "Hi Luke," Harry greets in his still beautiful raspy low voice.

Lifting my gaze from Luke's to Harry, asking; "Are you ready for supper, it's done?"

Harry nods as I walk to Luke's highchair and situate him there before grabbing the biscuits out of the oven and turning that and the stove off.

"Can I help, Lou?" Harry asks from right behind me, startling me some.

"Sure, can you grab the plates out of that cupboard?" I ask motioning toward the one I am reffering to.

Harry nods as he does this task, grabbing two plates for us and one of Luke's; placing the plates on the counter next to the stove with a smile.

"The silverware are in that drawer and the glasses are there?" I say as I point to each location.

Harry nods as he moves over to grab the silverware and glasses for the three of us. "Thanks Harry," I murmur as I continue to place food on each plate before cutting Luke's food into small bites for him.

"You're welcome, Lou. What would you like for Luke to drink?" he asks as he moves to the fridge to grab drinks for everyone.

"Lukie, you want milk or juice?" I ask my son, who is watching Harry and I in fasination.

"'Uice!" he hollers in excitement.

"There's apple juice in the fridge, he can have that please." I feel as though at this moment how we are working together in the kitchen is like we've always been together with no break.

Harry brings over Luke's sippy cup filled with apple juice, where I pour half of it into my cup in order to dilute Luke's drink with water and filling my glass the rest of way with water as well.

Nodding at him with my own smile as he pours himself a glass of milk before placing the juice and milk back in the fridge before he meets me at the table with our glasses as I sit our plates on the table before giving Luke's his after checking the temperature.

Harry sits across from Luke and I with a huge grin at the two of us as Luke digs into his food with happy noises as he eats.

"How old is Luke?" Harry asks softly as he watches our little one eat.

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