Chapter Seven

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"It's going to be so weird not having you and Tommy here," I say, looking down at the pavement.

"Maybe there's some way you could join the tour," Josh suggests, "Then you'd get closer to all the boys and be around Tommy."

I sigh, "But what would I do?"

"Well what are your hobbies?"

"I really like photography," I mumble, "I was thinking about starting a business soon. Or applying at a modeling agency."

He grins, causing my heart to flutter, "Well I overheard that we need a photographer for the tour since the one we had canceled on us. I could talk to Jeff and see what he thinks."

I smile at him, "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would!" He shouts, causing passerby's to stare.

I laugh along with him as we walk in the direction of Tommy's apartment. I had read the comments on my Instagram posts and I wasn't going to lie, Josh was so sweet and really cute.

"I never asked," Josh speaks up after a few seconds of silence, "How do you and Tommy know each other?"

"Oh!" I smile as I remember the first time we met, "He was my neighbor and he babysat me a lot. He's like an older brother to me at this point."

Josh smiles and we stop outside Tommy's apartment building. We turn to face each other, but nothing is said.

"I had fun today," I finally say.

"Me too," He leaned in, only by a few centimeters, but I noticed.

I hesitate for a second before leaning up and kissing his cheek. I pull back to see that his face has turned red.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I turn and bounce up the stairs into the building.

"B-Bye," I barely catch what he says, but my smile grows.

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