Chapter Ten

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We were finally leaving to our first city, which was Orlando! It was 4:30 in the morning and I was trying to get Tommy to wake up.

"Get the frick up you bitch," I say, shaking his shoulders.

He grumbles and shoved me away.

"Fine," I say, standing up, "I guess you don't get to go to Disney World."

He shot up, causing me to double over from laughter. He glares at me and forces me out of the room.

It takes him about 15 minutes to get everything together and for us to get to the airport. We meet up with everyone and Josh pulls me into a tight hug.

"You literally saw me yesterday," I laugh, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah, but I missed you," He mumbles.

I see Tommy whisper something to Ben our of the corner of my eye, but they're talking too quietly for me to hear anything. I greet the rest of the cast and snap a few pictures for Instagram.

When we board the plane, I somehow manage to get seated next to Josh and Tommy, which isn't bad, but I wanted to be next to Morgan. I sit next to the window and after the plane takes off, I feel my eyes forcing themselves closed. I lean my head on whoever is sitting next to me and I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up sometime later. I look out the window and see that we're still airborne. Someone's head falls against my shoulder, I turn to look at it and it's Josh. I smile softly and decide to watch the original Newsies.

I get to the part when Jack is being thrown in the refuge when an announcement comes on and says that we're landing in ten minutes. I put my stuff away and turn to Josh. I gently shake him awake.

When he mumbles something I whisper, "We're landing soon."

I can tell everyone is half asleep as we get off the plane. I take it upon myself to get everyone to the hotel we're staying at.

Tomorrow we have a free day. With that thought in my head, I get to my room and pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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