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...and saw Taehyung's hand on her bare shoulder. He was looking straight at me, smirking.

By instinct, I grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her towards me. She had goosebumps on her arms. I back-hugged her tightly.

"What was that for?!" He just smirked at me. "Why did you touch her?!"

"No need to make a scene."

"That's your fault, Taehyung."

"I suppose so." I felt Y/N's tears on my arm.

"Look what you caused."

"I'm not blind." He stepped closer. "Give her to me."

"What? No! Why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I'm going to get you arrested and kill your sweetheart." At that, Y/N sniveled. I noticed there was almost no one in the hall.

"How would you kill her?" I hugged her tighter, but not too tight.

"I would take her from you and kill her. Duh."

"You're joking, right?"

He quickly reached out and grabbed Y/N's wrist, and I smacked his arm off. "Nope." He said.

"You horny son of a bitch."

Y/N turned around to face me and I put my arms around her waist.

"I don't want to go." She whined quietly, her voice cracking.

"I know." I glowered at him, then looked at Y/N. "I'm sorry for this." She opened her mouth a little, gaping, and then I let go of her. "Don't touch her," I said, unhelpfully, to Taehyung, and he grabbed her shirt and probably dragged her to his dorm.

What the fuck did I just do??

-Y/N's POV*

As I followed Taehyung to wherever he was going, I stayed silent and tried to stop crying.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked quietly.

"I'm going to play with you." I groaned softly. This could never turn out good. Understatement of the year. I can't even express how bad.

In the dorm, he told me to stand in the middle of the room. He went to the kitchen, opened a drawer, and took out a knife. I held my breath. He set it on the counter gently, looking at me.

"Don't try anything stupid, got that?" I nodded and exhaled quietly. He leaned against the wall and looked at me intently.

*A/N I think I need mental help*

"Take off your clothes." He smirked.


He walked towards me. "Take off your clothes. Or will I have to?" I sincerely couldn't move. He went back to the kitchen and grabbed a rag then went back over to me. He motioned to gag me, but he didn't. He put his hands on his hips and looked at me. I looked down, holding in my tears. He threw the rag down.

"You're vulnerable, you know?" I didn't answer still. "Any other girl would beg for this. In a way, you're lucky." I scoffed, which I immediately regretted. I looked up at him nervously. "You have him as a boyfriend. How odd."


He shook his head. "he's really pessimistic."

"I like it." He chuckled.

"You're weird. You're not like others. Yoongi though is really..."

"He's not like me."

"Exactly." He smirked. "Yet he still protects you. Or, tries to." He reached out to touch me and I stumbled back.

"Stop," I said very unhelpfully. He reached out again and put his hand on my collar bone. I was against the wall, so I couldn't back up. I tried to stop from crying, but a tear ran down my cheek. "Stop it."

"No." He lowered his head so that it was nestled into my neck then he staryed kissing it.

-Yoongi's POV*

In the next classes, I paid absolutely zero attention. In the middle of my last, I went to the restroom. Supposedly. I actually went to find Taehyung's dorm, of course.

-You- JK where's Taehyungs dorm

-JK- Why?

-You- Personal reasons

-JK- 148

-You- Ty

(Crap it's backward idc)

I sprinted down the hall and slowed down when I was near the dorm.

145... 146... 147...


The shutters in the windows were closed. The door was locked. What else am I going to do?

I knocked on the door.

-Y/N's POV*

There was a knock on the door. He looked at me then at the door, then he let go and looked through the window. When he let go, my legs went limp and I collapsed into sitting position on the ground. I covered my face and started crying.

(What happened was he started *cough* kissing/biting her neck and other unspeakable stuff I won't mention. Just imagine it...)

"Crap." I heard him say. He went to me and made me stand up, then he let me sit on the couch, so whoever in the door couldn't see me.

T: "What?"

"Where is she?" Asked a familiar voice. I almost jumped out of my seat when I realized who it was. It was Yoongi.

T: "She ran off. Go away."

"Y/N of all people?"


T: "I dunno." Yoongi must have tried to come inside because I heard a thud on the doorframe.

"If she's not there, let me see." I heard the thud again, then I heard Taehyung cry out. I leaned over as far as possible so I could see, and Yoongi was holding Taehyung's arm in a bad position. Taehyung was crouching down a bit in pain.

"Oh my God..." I blurted out quietly, and Yoongi looked at me. He let go of Taehyung (who bent down and clutched his arm) and ran to me, then hugged me tightly. I started crying into his shirt.

He let go after a while and I looked up at him. "Did he hurt you?" I sniffed.


"I'm so sorry I let you go with him."

"You didn't really have a choice." I looked at Taehyung. "What'd you do to him? Is he ok?" Keep in mind I was still crying.

"Aw, you're so cute. You care so much. Uh, yeah, I guess. He's not dead."

I hugged him again tightly. "He touched me Yoongi... He kissed my neck..." He made me let go and checked my neck.

"It's covered in hickeys." He said absently.

I took a breath. "Yoongi, I want to leave." He nodded his head and helped me up. Taehyung only glared at us as we left. He obviously didn't want to mess with Yoongi.

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