Eddie Kaspbrak,

555 14 18

  After their current classes, it was locker break

  Eddie has seen a piece of paper sticking out the slit of his locker.

Eddie Kaspbrak,


  You probably don't know me, but i've seen you around.

  I am in your math, history, english, I'm pretty much in every class with you.

  Sometimes, it feels like im not in your class because I'm quiet...

  Though, I can't give away anymore information about myself  such as my Gender, physical apperance, and/or personality. Otherwise it will be given away.

                          Yours truly,
                        - Anonymous

  It read.
  Eddie was in complete shock. He didn't know how to react. Eddie stood there, frozen. He wanted to know who wrote it.
  Eddie met up with the rest of the losers and asked them, "Who wrote this?".

  All the losers told Eddie that they didn't write the letter.

  However, Richie is a really good liar (or at least in most cases). Even the losers don't know that he's lying. Richie was able to get away with it.
  The head to their next classes, this time Stan came along with Richie and Eddie.
  Eddie was about three seats farther from Richie. Richie felt kinda lonley.

  Stan whapped Richie on the head with a rolled up piece of paper "You're getting a fucking boner." Whisphered Stan.
  "What the fuck? Why were you looking?"
  "I don't have to look, I can alreddie tell."
  "Clearly you're-"
  Stan and Richie got caught by the teacher. This was their first warning.
   "Stanley. Richard. Please pay attention or you won't understand the task i'll give you."  
  Richie and Stan were both at the back of the class. So the teacher had to speak a little bit louder than usual.

  Richie never liked his history teacher, Mr. Williams. It was because he is his Dad's friend and he'd come over every once or twice a week (Dis poor kid tho). "Little shit.." Richie said underneath his breath.

  He didn't pay much attention in class. Richie would usually doodling in his note book or playing tic-tac-toe with Stan. But this time, he was writing more love letters, which made it look like he was taking notes in class.  
  Richie would have to make sure that Stan wasn't looking, so he wouldn't know that Richie wrote them.

  This time, the text was abit shorter than usual.

    Eddie Kaspbrak,

   I see that you've already read the other letter. I know that because the othe letter was in the trash by the boys bathroom.

  Anyway, if you  want to reply to me,  you have to write what you want to say to me, write for Anonymous on the front, then place it at the slit of your locker and i'll come to pick it up.

                        Yours truly,
                     -Anonymous ♥

  There was only five minutes until the bell  rings for the next class. This time, Richie was with Bev, again.
  Richie was always ok with this, but ever since Richie had a crush on Eddie since 3rd grade, things when a little different than planned.

  Today Richie had explicit thoughts about him and Eddie. He wanted a relation ship with Eddie, even a sexual one.

  Richie really trusts Bev but, he wasn't reddie to tell her these thoughs.

  Explict thoughts were racing though Richie's mind.

  "Hey Trashmouth!"
  "Oh- Hey Slut!"
  "You little shit! I thought we all agreed not to call me that."
  "Did we though? You were probably just high at the time."
  Bev gives Richie a mild pinch in the arm.
"Oof, you're weak."
"As if you can do any better, I killed my Dad."
  "Oh yeah? Well I'm too  great to die. I mean, who would want to kill this mother fucker?"
  Richie and Bev laughed their way to Spanish class.


  10 minutes in class has just passed.
  Richie needed to take a "bathroom pass" when he really needed to slip the letter into Eddie's locker.

  It didn't take long to put it in because Eddie's locker was pretty close to Spanish class.

  Richie heard footsteps approching the halls...

I wanna love u ♡ Reddie fluff (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now