I dare you to flirt with Lucy.
Damn it. First thing's first, she's not really my type.
* * *
Me: *Walks up to Lucy* Heyyyyy.
Lucy: *Glares at me*
Me: Ummm, so you're really *curses to self* beautful...
Lucy: *Slaps me*
Me: .....You wanna go out sometime
Lucy: Are you, like, sick or something?
Me: *Kicks Lucy and runs away* I REGRET NOTHING!
Lucy: Ow! What the heck!?!?!?
Emmet: *Runs up to Lucy* What happened!?
Lucy: *Points to me*
Emmet: *Starts to chase me*
Me: *Evil laugh* He'll never catch me!
* * *
Yup, well that happened.