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The nightmare

The world felt distant. Tony felt like he was looking at earth from another universe, light years away. The air was thin, he looked around the room in horror, it looked as if he were in a spaceship. He looked down at the floor and ran his fingers through his hair looking down at the broken iron man helmet in front of him. He raised an eyebrow as he stared intensely at the broken helmet picking it up to examine it. "Hmm...." He muttered as he set it down when he heard distant footsteps "tony?" The female voice called with slight worry. She walked into the room and stared at tony with confusion "you know today's our last day...." she seemed quite sad as she looked outside the window of the spaceship that floated slowly across the universe. "Um, no I don't..." he decided to play along, he couldn't remember anything that happened. "All air is running out should rest." She sighed as tony nodded and she walked out of the room turning a sharp corner and disappearing into the darkness. Tony bit his lip and looked around, he would explore but he felt as though maybe she was right. It would feel worse to suffocate than just die peacefully. He slowly laid down and let the tears fall out of his eyes as he slowly drifted to sleep.

Tony woke up in what felt like 2 minutes yet he couldn't tell if it was morning or night and what time it was but the ships speed was picking up and it made him anxious, he looked around the room and carefully peaked outside of the door. A familiar voice came from down the hall, deep and brooding with the sound of wisdom and power. He sounded like the same purple man from his dreams and that confused him.

"Oh daughter, you knew this was inevitable."

The wise voice spoke, his voice bounced against the walls and echoed into Tony's ears. You could hear his disappointment.

"Why wouldn't I track you? Your the only
daughter I have left."

Just by his voice you could tell that he was smiling, the woman then spoke "father-" the voice sounded like the woman he had met the other day, or hour. Tony scooted over and laid back down so that he could continue to watch them converse

"From now on you obey my orders."

The man's voice demands as they grabbed her arms and yanked her in there direction.

"Search the room for civilians."

Tony quickly scooted under the chair behind him and watched as the guards walked into the room searching for places for people to hide. The purple man stood in the door Frame and suddenly made eye contact with tony. Tony muttered cuss words as the guards pulled him out from under the chair and held his arms back in a painful position.

"Ah, another avenger."

The purple man chuckled as he stepped closer to tony who was dangling off the floor too weak to just thrash around. He looked past the purple man not wanting to make eye contact. And now he made eye contact with someone he would notice instantly
Steve Rogers?
What was he doing here? Was he crying?

Many questions swirled around in Tony's head and he stared into Steve crystal blue eyes, Steve's eyes staring back into Tony's whiskey brown eyes.
The purple man who introduced himself as thanos pulled Tony's head up so that they made eye contact with each other, their glares quite intense. Tony sighed as thanos began to ask yes or no questions, Tony answered some truthfully and the other with inaccuracy. Tony bit his lips as he dangled there getting punched or kicked every time he rolled his eyes.

"If you tell me where the rest of the avengers are, I will spare you."

Tony shivered, the ship was getting colder and every minute it was getting harder for him to breath "I don't know....." tony sighed, it was true but thanos thought otherwise.

"Tell me the truth."

Thanos' tone changed from wise to stern "I am." Tony answered shortly trying to save himself some air. Thanos' guard handed thanos a gun and pointed it at Steve "I promise! I promise! I don't know!" He cares about Steve a lot and he knew Steve could get out if he wanted, but in this situation, they could turn on him instantly.

"Ah, I see you care about this one."
Tony dangled, swinging back and forth as they continued to threaten Steve. This was painful, small tears leaked out of Tony's eyes and slow down his skinny cheeks because he can't do anything


Tony cried as they continued to kick the life out of him. Steve was being threatened with a gun, it was painful to know that he couldn't do anything but he was slowly losing consciousness as the air slowly disappeared.

could be heard and that scared tony. he opened an eye to see that The girl wasn't standing there anymore, but was dead on the floor. Tony thrashed around kicking and crying, he looked like a complete mess, his hair was all over the place and he was so hungry, starving to be fair. Another gunshot could be heard which made Tony's heartbeat much faster. Tony opened his eyes

Tony's voice shook as he stared at the man he had known for only a bit of his life but grew so attached to.

He was dead too.


Tony jolted awake, tears pouring out of his eyes as he frantically looked around the room "Steve!?" He called out. He sniffles uncontrollably as a tall masculine figure rises next to him. Tony not knowing or caring who it would be hugged him immediately which was a slight surprise for the masculine figure "tones you ok?" The figure was Steve worried as ever. Tony sniffles as more tears came out of his eyes. He said nothing at all, he just cried, and sniffled, and held on tight to Steve for dear life. "T-tony-" Steve muttered as tony shushed him and rocked back in forth, he seemed to be using Steve to comfort himself.

After a few hours of crying and explaining the nightmare him and Steve just watched a movie, tony wasn't going to sleep, it was so real he didn't want to go through anymore of it. "Cheesy movie?" Steve smiled

Tony smiled weakly and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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