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AN: Hey guys. This story will contain smut, but i will put a bold warning (like this) on a chapter that is smut. Enjoy. Btw Tony is 35 and Peter is 21.

Peter sighed and walked down the street. He had just managed to get fired and then rehired in the span of an hour. How had his life gotten this miserable and boring? He didn't know, but he wanted a change. His life to have a thrill, a vibe, danger and most importantly love. Peter was all on his own and had no one to love or be loved by. It was depressing.

Tony Stark ran down the street and away from the bodyguards chasing him. He had fucked up a meeting again with another boss and so had to run for his life. Tony had never been good at running and so was caught and thrown into an alleyway. The raven haired man kicked one of the guards and headbutted the other. Needless to say he ended up sprinting and running straight into a young brunette.

Both males struggled to get up from their positions on the floor. Tony had landed ontop of the small, fragile brunette and so he got up first. When he looked behind him he couldn't see the bodyguards and so extended his hand to the fallen brunette. Peter looked at the hand that was offering him help up. He took it and hoisted himself up so he was near enough eye to eye with the man. Whiskey eyes melted into chocolate eyes. Peter stared at the man and was about to thank him profusely when he was yanked into an alley.

Tony pressed the male to the wall and trapped him. The brunette looked scared as he looked up at the older male. God, Tony wanted him in his bed, under him, screaming his name and begging to cum. But Tony wouldn't just take him like that. He'd wait for this small and shy rabbit to come to him and be his. Their eyes met and melted into eachother yet again.

"You got a name hottie?" Tony enquired confidently. He then smirked when the brunette beauty blushed.

"Um..Peter Parker.." the boy pressed out. Tony smirked and leaned forward so the tips of their noses were touching. Peter tried to pull his head back, but was greeted with a pain in the back of his head when it met the wall.

"Who do you think you are?" Peter asked worried.

"Oh sugar, i'm Tony Stark."

(Right i know this chapter is short and boring, but it will get better. Any suggestions for the next chapter? Like how Peter and Tony start to connect? I'm up for anything.)

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