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Tony was completely speechless at Peter's confession to him. It would have taken him a lot of courage to tell a gangsta that he was carrying his child. Peter looked down crying because of Tony's unwavering gaze that was trained on him.

''I'm sorry Tony! I can get rid of it if you want...anything to stay with you i will do..." Peter sobbed out and clutched his own hands and covered his face so Tony couldn't see him crying or weak. Tony walked over to the crying brunette and gathered him in his arms tightly and rested his head on top of the lush smelling hair of his husband. Peter wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and cried into his chest while Tony rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Shhh Peter sweetheart...shhh it's ok baby...don't stress too much it might hurt our baby...i love you..." Tony comforted him. Peter snapped his head upwards to face Tony who was smiling weakly at him and then kissed his head in comfort.

"W-what?" Peter whispered in disbelief at what Tony was saying to him. Their eyes met and the brunette could see love and devotion in Tony's eyes that was so strong.

"It might hurt our baby sweetheart...wait you think i don't want this kid?" Tony enquired shocked that his Peter would even think that he wouldn't want their child.

''I thought you would hate me and blame me for ruining your life with a child...i thought you would never love me ever again..." Peter sobbed out and buried his head deeper into Tony's chest in fear of rejection. He seriously thought that Tony was about to kick him out and divorce him.

"Are you crazy?!? I fucking love you more than anything!!! I would never leave you sweetheart!!! This baby will never change that honey...i want this baby...i've always wanted a child and when you came along i wanted to settle down with you...have a family...never forget that i love you more than this universe...more than life...more than words could explain...i love you Peter Stark." Tony said and stroked Peter's hair before pressing a kiss to Peter's wet lips. Peter kissed back while crying. They pulled apart and Tony kissed his head again while Peter smiled into his chest. Then they both laughed when Peter's stomach grumbled loudly with hunger. The raven haired man walked towards the small kitchen to prepare something for Peter and their baby.

The covers were tugged up as Tony and Peter lay in their bed in the small cabin. Tony held Peter's waist and eased him closer. The brunette smiled and placed his head on his husband's chest and fell asleep near enough straight away due to the exhaustion of that day. Tony checked and felt a bit more at ease when he saw his rifle right next to the bed so he could just reach out and grab it incase that Bucky decided to try and hurt his pregnant husband. Tony would protect him whatever it takes.

Peter awoke in the morning and ran to the bathroom to throw up. He really hated the morning sickness side of the pregnancy. The floor boards creaked slightly as he walked back into their bedroom. He was very surprised to find that he had not woken Tony up with his loud retching and vomiting, but he was thankful he didn't. Tony deserved rest just like he did. He made his way down to the kitchen to grab something when he heard a door close behind him that he had left open. He turned and screamed in horror.

Tony was sleeping peacefully until he heard his Peter scream in horror. He bolted up and grabbed his rifle immediately and ran down the stairs. Peter backed up until he was against the wall. The seemingly weak brunette, in Bucky's eyes, punched him in the head. Bucky turned his head back to face the brunette male and he glared. Peter gulped and saw Bucky pull his gun. On instinct, he ducked and it payed off as a shot sounded and there was a hole in the wall where Peter's head was about 2 seconds previously.

"Please! Have mercy! Please i'm pregnant!" Peter screamed when Bucky's gun was pointed to his head. Bucky hesitated for a second and it cost him his life. A shot sounded. Peter had his eyes screwed shut so sure it was the end but he soon registered the sound of a body hitting the floor. Then Peter panicked. What if Bucky had spared him, but shot Tony? His eyes opened and he saw Bucky lying dead on the floor and Tony standing over him with his rifle in his hand. Peter quickly got up off of the ground and ran to Tony. Tony caught him in his arms and kissed his cheek, tasting the salt from Peter's tears. They hugged for about 5 minutes before pulling away and sharing a passionate and love filled kiss that spoke to both of them. To Tony it said that no matter what Peter would always love him and would do anything for him, but for Peter it said the same with a hint of protection shining through. They didn't care about the lifeless body on the floor. All they cared about was each other and their unborn child.

The Avengers were all waiting in Stark Tower when Tony and Peter came back home. They knew they would have a lot of apologising to do to the gangsta boss and his husband for letting Bucky come so close to killing them which should never had been possible. The front door swung open and the raven haired man walked in with an arm draped protectively around his husbands waist and an extremely pissed off face. Peter's face held worry though. He ran in and went to the most injured Avenger, Bruce, from their fight with Bucky and shook his hand.

"Are you alright Bruce?" Peter enquired while looking worriedly  at him. Bruce look up and nodded at him.

"Are you alright sir? We are extremely sorry about not being able to subdue him...we will train harder from now on sir..." Bruce spoke with his head down.

"No. Not until all of your injuries are and Tony were talking about it on the way home." Peter said with a soft voice. All of the Avengers were extremely surprised that Peter Stark, who Bucky had nearly just killed, was asking them if they were ok. However, the new that they would never get the same consideration from Tony Stark. Tony made Peter face him and gave him a quick kiss before speaking.

"Sweetheart, why don't you go and get settled back in while i have a little chat with the Avengers?" Tony said and rubbed smooth circles on his hip. Peter nodded and gave him a small peck on the cheek before walking in the direction of their bedroom. The Avengers gulped as Tony turned to face them.

"So. You guys really let me down today. I'm furious, but i do realise we probably haven't done enough training for these situations so i will let this one slide. Of course if this ever happens again i will not be as forgiving. Understand?" Tony spoke with a aggressive tone. The Avengers nodded their heads in unison.

"We are very sorry Mr Stark. What can we do to repay you?" Wanda enquired. Then Tony remembered. 

"I need the best people to live here for the next 9 months. My husband is pregnant with our baby and if he gets injured i will not be happy. Natasha and Clint. You will live here with us and you will protect Peter with your lives when i am out of the house. Understand?" Tony stated. Natasha and Clint stood up and bowed before him, honoured that they had been chosen to protect the person that meant the most to him.

"Yes sir." They said in unison. Tony smiled and dismissed the other Avengers and led Clint and Natasha to their rooms. Tony had to admit that those two were his favourite Avengers and he trusted them with Peter's life as well as his unborn child's life. When he knew that they were settled in, he walked towards his bedroom and to his Peter. He shut the bedroom door and sat down on the bed with his Peter. The brunette was cradling his stomach before placing his head on Tony's shoulder for rest. Tony let him and held his Peter's smooth hand and rubbed it while kissing his forehead. A gangsta and an angel.

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