Young, but not weak

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Peter had heard the name Tony Stark. But it was associated with gangs and mobs. This was not good for Peter. Tony smirked at the male who was looking anywhere but him. His hands left the wall and he slipped a card into Peter's jean pocket before walking off and out of the alley. Confused was a bit of an understatement to describe Peter at that moment. His chocolate eyes scanned the alley to make sure that Stark wasn't going to jump him before walking out. That was weird.

The keys to Peter's apartment bounced onto the kitchen table as Peter walked through the door. He was still confused about what the fuck had happened with Tony in the alley when he entered his pitch black bedroom. After taking his shirt off the lights turned on. He hadn't turned them on.

Tony was standing like predator waiting for prey near the light switch. He gave his infamous smirk as he approached the male. Peter backed up until his thighs hit the bed, but he could still see Tony coming ever closer. Oh great.

Tony put his hands on Peter's waist and rubbed his thumb around in circles. Peter moaned involuntarily. This made Tony smirk and lean down to Peter's warm and sensitive neck. However, he was extremely taken aback when a firm hand slapped his cheek.

"You can't just have me Mr Stark! You have to earn me!" Peter yelled at him.
Tony looked at him. He may be young, but he's certainly not weak. Tony liked that. The spit fire. Peter looked at him and his gaze held a fire, but so did Tony's gaze. The older male knew that Peter wasn't going to go without a fight.

"Oh baby, i'm a billionaire and i get whatever i want my little bambi." Tony whispered into his ear. A shiver made it's way through Peter's body.

"Well not me Mr Stark..." Peter pressed out while Tony rubbed the inside of his thigh. Tony was trying everything that usually would've worked by that point. Usually, if he asked a random to suck him off they would. But, this brunette beauty had resisted all of his advances. This is what Tony loved. Wait......loved? No. It was way too soon to tell.

Peter narrowed his eyes at the man who was clearly trying to fuck him. He wasn't about to let himself be taken like this and this quick. He may have never been in a relationship, but he knew what he wanted and what Tony was doing was not it. Yet.

Tony pulled away from him completely. He walked to the bedroom door, but then turned and spoke.

"I'll be watching you my little cottontail."

And just like that he was gone. Peter couldn't tell whether he was eternally grateful for Tony leaving or royally pissed. He pulled off his pants and then climbed into his bed. His head hit the pillow and was instantly greeted by a cold rectangular shape. Peter lifted his head and saw it was a card with Tony's name on it. He palmed it, but then gasped when he turned it over. It was Tony's phone number with a small note written under it.

"Call me when you need me my little spitfire."

Peter put it on his bedside table and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Tears fell onto Peter's pillow. Peter had just found out that his aunt May had fallen sick and had died at the hospital. He sobbed uncontrollably into his hands. He needed warmth.

Tony groaned when his phone rang. He was in the lab working on something that would get him a shit load of money when it rang. He put his project aside and answered.


"Um...Mr Stark?" A sob sounded through the phone and Tony recognised the voice to be his bambi's.

"Hey hottie."

"I....i...i need May...shes dead!" Peter sobbed out the last part.

"Oh...i'll be right there cottontail." Tony hung up the phone.

When Tony arrived he was greeted by a sobbing and pillow clutching Peter. He slowly approached the crying male. Peter's head turned to face Tony, who's heart broke slightly. He sat himself on the bed and placed an arm around Peter. Peter sunk into Tony's embrace and due to exhaustion  fell into a slumber.

Chocolate eyes fluttered open. Peter quickly realised that he was no longer in his apartment, but was in a king sized bed with Tony Stark. Had they fucked the night before?

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