Their Meeting

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Aphmau screams. Someone just grabbed her and put a knife to her throat. She is struggling and crying. She's terrified, and wants to go home, or just somewhere safe, either one was fine to her.

"Where is she!" He yells, but Aphmau stays silent, "Tell me!" He took a small step closer, their noses were almost touching, "WHERE IS SHE!" He was yelling really loud in her face, he spat in her face a bit too.

Aphmau is trembling, but manages to stay on her feet, "Who are you?" Aphmau sobbed.

"That's none of your concern, just tell me where she is," He says in an angry tone.

Aphmau tries to think of something before she dies, then she thinks of something, "First, tell me your name at least," Aphmau says trying to stop crying. At least can I know my killers' name? She gives a mental laugh, but she's terrified.

"Heh, Zach," He says obviously a bit amused, "now, where is your mother?" He changes the subject.  

"W-wait, Zach Bravura?" She asks.

"Y-Yes," Zach says.

"You're, wait, no, it can't be you?" Aphmau yells. She stops crying and looks into his eyes, she looks worried but angry at the same time.

"What?" Zach says getting angry.

"Dad?" Aphmau looks at him, in the eye, and asks him, "Are you, my dad?" She could recognize those eyes anywhere.

"Aphmau, you need to tell me where your mother is, or..." He begins to trail off.

Aphmau looks worried, and doesn't really want to know that much, "Or what?" Aphmau asks, trying to show confidence that she doesn't have.

He sighs a bit first, "Or I'll kill you," He says with a little hesitation.

Then I see someone "I don't think so," Someone says grabbing his arms, then he pulls him off of her.

"What the?!" Zach yells confused. The strange man takes his knife and looks mad, Aphmau watches in awe as this tall stranger saves her life, but she can't help but feel like she knows him from somewhere.

"Leave or I will kill YOU," He says in an angry tone. Then he tightens the tie of the white bandana covering his eyes, it's torn and beaten up, it is dirty too.

"O-Okay," Zach says frightened. Then he turns and runs away as fast as he could.

"Who- Who are you?" Aphmau asks.

He looks over at me with a weak smile, "I'm Aaron, and you are?" He asks. Aphmau looks at her wrist, there's a red bandana, then she looked up at Aaron.

"I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you," She says putting her arm out so they could shake hands. Aaron shakes her hand quickly.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Who was that guy?" Aaron asks.

"Yes I'm fine, he didn't hurt me, and well, he was," Aphmau began, she was a little hesitant, "He was my dad," She said awkwardly.

"WAIT, WHAT!" He yelled.

"He didn't know I was his daughter, he thought I was someone else's, he thought my mom married, she had me in high school, so she didn't marry him, he left right when he graduated, never saw him again, I wasn't even born when he left, so I never actually met him," Aphmau was holding back tears. Aaron rubbed her arm softly, trying to comfort her.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asks.

"I need to find my mom,"   says.

"Ya, okay, do you know where she is?" He asks.

Aramau and Their Family Book 1 Aphmau's Story (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now