I looked,
and fell
into her eyes ~
they spun and spun as blazing suns,
flares corrupting peace.
The spiral arm of the Milky Way
straightened out and
spread across the vast expanse of grey
as electric lights danced in frames, synapses in refrain;
the super nova stripped of light, colours dulled from the spite
of the backs of my eyes all white, illumined in my mind.
She floated fluorescent out in listless space, glowing like the moon,
her arms outstretched in cruciform, her hair in embers floating there
an aura about her face.
This capsized breadth sucked the breath, collapsing lungs
as the space she occupied pressed upon me,
fingertip to fingertip through a cloud to cloud arc streamer -
-silence -
and we float
She, Infinity
PoetryI mean to place sight within the constraints of sound and drive it into the bed rock, the foundation of feeling, literally rather than metaphorically.