Chapter 1

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I heard her laugh before I saw her. I glanced up to see her enter the classroom with her best friend in tow. She briefly met my eyes, giving me a small smile, before she found her seat beside me. I returned my gaze to my paper in front of me, my skin humming from her closeness. I could smell her perfume every time she shifted, occasionally flipping her hair over her shoulder. The charms on her wrist clinked together and when they did, I dared to glance over at her, immediately regretting it. 

She met my eyes and I felt my stomach drop to the floor. She flashed me a quick smile, her dark eyes piercing my every thought. I managed a hopeless smile in return and stiffened when she leaned towards me. 

"Would you take a look at my paper? No one else wants to edit it, but I know there's something wrong with it." She handed it to me and her fingers brushed mine. I was thankful for the hair that covered my forehead, for it concealed the beads of sweat that now dotted it. I tried to focus on her paper, but I could feel her looking at me. I found several small mistakes and wrote comments on her paper, handing it back to her when I finished.

"It's good." I muttered, giving her a slight nod. She already knew, but she smiled politely anyways.

"Thank you." She turned away from me and I let out the breath that I didn't know I'd been holding. 

I was glad when the bell rang. I quickly gathered my things and left the classroom before anyone had even had the chance to move. I ducked into the nearest bathroom, giving myself a mental shake.

"Come on Ashton, get yourself together. She's just a fucking girl. She'll never be interested in you. Why the fuck are you so hung up on her?" I pumped the daily phrase into my head, just as I had for the last year, but it never seemed to sink in. I sighed and ran a hand through my long hair. I needed a chop, but I hated the way I looked with short hair. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and left the bathroom, darting into the now-crowded hall.

I jingled my house keys in my pocket as I headed out of the school, watching kids waiting at the bus stop. I decided against the bus and was in favour of walking instead. It was cool outside and I needed the fresh air. 

It took me 15 minutes to walk home. Maybe because I'd paused in front of the cafe where she worked, hoping to catch a glance of her. 

I glanced up as I put my key in the lock, recognising the familiar laugh. She was walking down the sidewalk with her friend, the one that seemed to be permanently attached to her side, her dark hair stirring in the slight breeze. My hands started to tremble and I dropped my keys as I pushed open the front door. She glanced over and smiled, veering off of the sidewalk towards me. 

"Hey, I didn't know you lived here..." She paused and I realised she didn't know my name. I sighed and wanted to shut the door in her face. But instead, I turned and nodded softly. 

"It's Ashton." I said and her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry, I'm really bad at names." She gave me an apologetic shrug and I chuckled.

"S'okay." I stepped inside and she called out to me.

"Hey, wait." Again I turned, seeming a bit impatient. She pointed to the house across the street. 

"Looks like we're gonna be neighbours, Mr. Irwin." She smiled and guided her friend across the road, never glancing back at me. I stood frozen, staring at the house. 

She couldn't. She couldn't live across the street from me. 

I slammed the door behind me and barged upstairs, ignoring mum's calls from the kitchen. I ran my hands through my hair, my entire body quivering. I glanced out of my window, damning myself for choosing the room on the front of the house. I could see her house, I saw it every morning when I looked out of it. 

But now I'd have to look at her. 

As if looking at her at school wasn't painful enough. 

Mum called from the bottom of the stairs, looking up at me as the appeared at the top of them. 

"Ash, come down and get something to eat." I nodded and slowly descended them, moving past her and her worried stares. I quickly made myself a cheese toastie. I grabbed it, ignoring the stinging in my fingers from its heat. 

"I'll be back later." I said, closing the door behind me before mum could reply. I grabbed my long board and took off down the street, resisting the urge to look over at her house. I rode to the edge of the neighbourhood, to the grove of trees that had become overgrown. It once had been a house, but when it was abandoned, the trees over took it and eventually the residents of the neighbourhood forgot about the house's existence. I looked around before stepping into the underbrush. I made my way to the house, the years of my travel having worn a path directly through it. The house was untouched, no one having visited since the last time I had. 

I jiggled the handle and the door swung easily open. I stepped into the darkness, standing still as my eyes adjusted. Once they had, I closed the door behind me, making my way into the back room. I pulled a lighter from my pocket and lit the candles that were placed around the room. Once they were lit, I turned to look at my room.

My own piece of art. 

Pictures of her hung around the room. She looked equally beautiful in all of them. On one wall, I'd made a graphite drawing of her, from my favourite picture. I sat down on the cushion I'd placed in the corner and admired my work. I sat in silence for a while, my head leaned back against the wall with my eyes closed.

I jumped when I heard a thump from the other room. I sprang to my feet and blew all of my candles out, creeping into the hall. I was sure it was just an animal that had gotten into the house, but I wasn't taking any chances. I crept into the main room, freezing when the thumping continued. I glanced at the door, watching it shudder beneath a slight weight. I stepped to the door, opening it quickly. 

She stood before me, flanked by her friend. She looked up at me, her mouth forming a perfect 'o' in shock. 

"The fuck are you doing here?" I snapped, stepping out and shutting the door behind me. She looked at her friend in shock, shaking her head. 

"We- we were just messing around. What are you doing here?" I fumbled for an excuse, showing her the sketchbook I held in my hand. 

"I come here to draw. It's quiet." I muttered, lowering my gaze to my feet. I grabbed my longboard and started back down the path, pausing when they didn't choose to follow me.

"Come on," I insisted, my voice stern. "It'll be dark soon."

In the Shadows [Ashton Irwin]Where stories live. Discover now