Chapter 2

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The following day I rose before the sun, slipping on sweats and a jumper, along with my sneakers. I glanced out of my window, ensuring that no one had risen in the house across the way. I crept silently through the house, careful not to wake mum. I stretched beneath the dark Australia sky, utterly alone. I put my earphones in and began at a brisk walk. At the end of the street, I began to run, veering to the right and running alongside the river. My feet pounded against the pavement in time with the beat that thumped in my ears.

An hour later, I'd run my familiar course, returning to my house. I checked the time on my phone-- I still had two hours before school. I pulled my earphones out, glancing up as the door across the street shut. She was dressed similarly to me, her dark hair pulled into a pony tail at the base of her neck. She rose her hand in a wave but turned away before I could return the gesture.

I showered and then went back to bed for the remaining hour, but as hard as I tried, I couldn't force myself back to sleep. I stared at the ceiling, recalling the events from yesterday.

What was she doing at the abandoned house? She was new to the neighbourhood, how did she even know it was there? I huffed, drawing a hand through my wet hair. I got up and peered out of the window, swallowing hard as I caught a glimpse of her stretching after her run. I turned away, closing my eyes tightly.

"Ashton, fucking stop it." I screamed at myself, grinding my teeth hard together. I glanced back out of the window, relieved to see she'd gone back inside. I huffed and slid on my shoes, grabbing my house keys. I decided to catch a bus for breakfast at Maccas. I threw my bag over my shoulder and took a final glance at myself in the mirror before quietly leaving the house. I hesitated on the sidewalk, wondering if I should invite her. I started to walk down the street, turning away from her house and shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Be a man." I whispered, turning back towards her house. I swallowed nervously, clenching my fists together tightly. I jogged across the street, stepping quietly onto the porch. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before removing my hand from my pocket, rasping my knuckles softly against the door. I could hear rustling behind the door and it swung open. Her hair was unbrushed and wet, indicating that she had just come from a shower. She was dressed simply in a white shirt and a blue scarf. She smiled when she realized who it was, much to my surprise.

"Hi." I said, giving her an obvious once over.

"Hi." She said, opening the door a little further.

"I was uh, wondering if uh, you wanted to go to breakfast or something." I gave her a convincing smile and she smiled sadly.

"Oh Ashton, thank you for offering. But my boyfriend is on the way over to get me right now." She shrugged apologetically and I smiled, trying to hide my disappointment.

"S'okay, some other time then." I turned away before she could say anything to me, gritting my teeth in anger.

She was mine, not his. This wouldn't do.

He can't have her.

I walked down the street, shaking my head. I should've known better. I should've know at it wouldn't have been that easy. I glanced up as a red sports car flew past me and I recognized the driver at its wheel.

Ian Eastwood. All star student and footy player, captain of our 3 year state ranked team.

Instead of proceeding to breakfast as planned, I doubled back to my house. Mum still hadn't woken, so she wouldn't mind if I borrowed the car. I left her a note on the counter and grabbed the keys. Ian's car was still parked in her driveway, idling as he waited for her. I got in and started the car, watching him in my rearview mirror. When she came out, she didn't glance over to my house and for that I was grateful. Ian pulled out quickly and after a minute, I pulled out after him. I followed closely behind him, but not too close for fear that she'd recognize me.

I followed close enough to see his license number, which I easily memorised. They pulled in at Pancake Manor and I veered off, speeding past them. I spend into the city, my hands gripping the wheel tightly.

I drove until my temper began to come down. I turned around, went through the drive through at Maccas and finally proceeded to school. I was early, surprisingly. I ate in my car, checking my phone for the time. I got out just as Ian pulled into the lot and I dropped my head. He dropped her off and sped out of the lot, not bothering to return her wave. I trudged across the parking lot with my drink in hand, ignoring her wave. I walked past her and she jogged to catch up.

"Ashton, hey."

I glanced down at her, shrugging her hand off of my shoulder. "Hey."

"I'm sorry for blowing you off this morning."

I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet, readjusting my bag on my shoulder. She frowned and glanced up at me. I ignored her and continued to walk.

"I have to go to class." I muttered, veering off from her.

Her face held a look of disappointment as I walked away from her and I felt a twinge of guilt. But when I glanced up and Ian was strolling proudly through the door, I shook away my guilt and gritted my teeth. He didn't deserve her. I did. She was mine.

I clenched my hands into fists and stormed back into the parking lot, glancing around for Ian's car. When I spotted it, I pulled my keys from my pocket. I didn't care who saw me. When I reached his car, I brought my key down against the shiny red surface and raked it down the side as hard as I could. The metallic screech was music to my ears. When I looked down, Ian's car was no longer immaculate and unscathed. Instead, it had a long, white scar down the side of it. I smiled at my handy work, shoving my key back into my pocket. I headed for class, humming happily.

I ignored her through English, though she made several attempts to talk to me. Ian was in my psychology class and I gave him a tight-lipped smile. The day passed easily and before I knew it, I was headed to the parking lot at the end of the day. A small crowd had gathered around Ian's car, their eyes widened as they admired my handy work. Ian shook with fury and cast a dark look in my direction; I gave him a tight lipped smile. He shoved through the crowd, his fists clenched as he charged me.

Please. Please hit me. I thought to myself, feeling my pulse accelerate. I didn't flinch when he grabbed my collar, only giving him a dark smirk as he did.

"You did this." He shouted, his breath rancid in my face.

"Unless you have proof, I suggest you let me go." I warned, feeling my blood begin to boil beneath my skin. He only clenched my shirt tighter and I presented him with a dark smile as I wrapped my large hands around his slender wrist. I squeezed until I could hear his bones grinding against one another, and I smirked, pleased when the anger on his face melted into pain. He released me and backed away slowly, his eyes searching my face. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it hard.

"If you ever touch me again, I swear to god I will kill you."

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