Chapter 4: Day 279, 7:30am, -Avril Winters

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My eyes blinked open. A pounding headache instantly hitting me making me feel nauseous. It was hard to see, but eventually, the blurred vision focused on two dark green eyes staring at me worryingly. "It's getting worse, isn't it?" Benny's small voice echoed in my mind bringing me fully back into consciousness. He's here... He found me.

"N-No." I covered my face with my arm trying to block the light. Dawn was upon us, making the sun split through the trees. It's too bright, making my head throb even more.

Benny paused, his hands fidgeting lightly. "You have blood on your mouth and hands.."

I swung my arm down to quickly to take a look. Dried blood was stained onto my skin. My heart rate picked up. I took a shaky breath before I licked my lips. The metallic taste was bitter in my mouth. What had I done..? Who did I bite? I glanced to Benny, hoping and praying that I hadn't hurt him.

"It's okay. No wounds." Benny noticed my uncertainty. He smiled brightly and raised his hands in the air. "I'm doing better. Not even you can notice me now."

A bit of relief washed over me. I didn't hurt him during my blackout. But who had paid the price this time? If it wasn't Benny... I looked around the area. I couldn't tell how far we had traveled while I was out of it. Whoever I attacked could be anywhere... I sighed and got up, trying to wipe the blood off of my mouth with my sleeve. Benny jumped up beside me and started heading down a path that seemed to lead out of the trees. He waved for me to hurry and follow him. I smiled slightly, then rose my hand in the air to signal him to wait a second. I'm missing something. I glanced around searching for my backpack. Where did it go..? Knowing my luck, I dropped it and it was too dangerous for Benny to retrieve it.

I followed after Benny, a calm sensation flooding over me after a few minutes. My headache and nausea subsiding. It was as if I could feel my normal senses coming back to me. Every time I blackout it takes longer to feel like myself again. I don't even know what happens. I don't remember anything when I black out. And it's scary... Because I know when it fully takes me, I'll just disappear into nothing.

"Look what I found while you were out!" Benny led me out of the trees and to an opening. A vast lake separates us from what looked like a town. "There's water and I'm sure there's food in the town." Benny looked up to me with the look of adventure swirling around in his eyes.

"You did good." I reached over and ruffled his hair to praise him. Benny giggled.

I pulled away from Benny and started making my way over to the lake but stopped when low growling caught my attention. I moved in front of Benny to protect him. Out of the trees, one of the infected made its way out. Its head was looking around, nose up in the air trying to catch a scent. It probably heard us, wondering if the noise was a meal it could sink its teeth into. As it got closer I could start to make out its features. It used to be a woman. Its ginger hair was matted, half of its jaw was bitten off, and its side held a ghastly wound.

Benny looked around me and pointed to the infected's hand. "She has your bag."

Its dead grip was firm on the strap. My eyes went wide. The sensation of me ripping into her flesh hit me like a truck. I could feel how warm her blood was against my lips. The bag... the memory... I had killed this woman. I mutilated her. My body started to tremble, making my knees weak. Benny reached around and grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He knew.. He knew I did this to that woman. I smiled gently at him. I wasn't sure if I was really here for Benny, or if he was here for me. It always seemed like he could read my mind. He always knew how to make me feel better.

"I believe in you, Avril. It's not scary."

I nodded and let go of Benny's hand, then walked over to the infected. It glanced at me, registering that I was there, but it paid no attention. I was just like it. Reaching out I grabbed my backpack that was in its clutches. With a forceful tug, the bag was freed. "Off you go," I mumbled and I knelt down to pick up a rock. I chucked it into the trees so. The infected turned hearing the noise and eagerly chased after it.

"Maybe it'll find a squirrel or something," Benny spoke behind me.

I turned to him with a nod. Small animals don't satisfy that hunger... But he doesn't know that. "Let's get down to the lake, Ben. I need to wash the blood off." Benny took my hand happily.

I lead Benny down to the lake then knelt down. I stared at my reflection in the water. My skin was turning paler, and my eyes seemed to be losing color. Who is this person I'm looking at..? I can't recognize him.

I glanced over at Benny, he was a few feet away from me. He pulled out his water bottle from his bag and took a big drink. I could feel my body tense. I couldn't stand that he was drinking water that could be contaminated... But it's been the only water source near us for a while. If he doesn't drink, he'd die anyway... Sometimes you have to make a hard call about your own survival.

"You're thinking hard again." Benny walked over and sat next to me.

"No. I'm just thinking." A fake smile plastered onto my face. I dipped my hands in the water to wash off the blood.

"You're lying too."

I gave Benny a look. "No, I'm not."

"Just because I'm a kid, doesn't mean I don't understand what's going on." He frowned, taking out a cloth from his bag and dipping it in the lake. He leaned up and wiped the blood off of my mouth that I couldn't get with my sleeve earlier. "I've seen you kill and infect many people Avril. You're getting worse... You didn't just infect that lady, you ripped her apart."

I stayed quiet, not sure what to say. What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to say? Benny is only nine years old. I can't put all this burden onto him. He's supposed to be having fun, playing video games, being a kid... And now he's here, stuck with me.

"Avril you aren't talking to me."

I took a deep breath. "... Alright. It's getting worse... You happy?"

"N-No!" Benny shook his head quickly. He reached out and gave me a tight hug. His head burrowing into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. "You don't have to worry Ben. We'll be okay..." My hand started petting his hair, hoping to give him some comfort.

"You don't believe that."


I flinched and held Benny closer.

He's right. I don't...

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