Chapter 2

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"Kara!" Winn calls for what seems like the hundredth time that day, and Kara is snapped back to attention. The wire in her gloved hands is getting tangled and Winn is already a few yards ahead of her. Kara shakes her head as if to clear it and straightens out the wire.
"I'm coming!" She quickly reaches each stake Winn has already planted.

"You all right?" He asks as they're getting water once the fence is finished. Normally Kara and the ranch hand get along famously, always talking about something, even the occasional goofing off.
"Yeah, just feeling.. off? Today, probably just need some sleep." She brushes it off and climbs back in the truck.
The whole ride back Kara stares out the window, lost in her thoughts about Lena. She can't shake the feeling that she's forgotten something important. It's been bothering her ever since she saw Lena yesterday. Kara had honestly never expected to see her in this small town again, thought she left for good a few years back. She's probably just surprised, it's always weird to see old friends again. At least that's what she tells herself.
That night when Lena calls again, Kara brings up their childhood in hopes that it might spark her memory.
"Remember when we used to hang out? Did you actually like me or did you hate that you were forced to hang out with me?"
"No! I actually liked you! Though if I'm being honest, I would've hung out with anyone, just to get out of that house." She teases.
"Hey!" Kara says in mock offense.
"You were actually one of my best friends." Lena confesses.
"Why didn't we keep in touch?"
"I don't know, I think it was more exciting, more of an adventure when we could only talk in the summer."
"I always thought it was so cool that I had a friend who went to boarding school." Kara recalls fondly.
They talk a while longer, Kara hangs up with a smile, reminiscing about a time where Lena was one of her favourite people. She hopes it can be that way again, but the whisper of a memory is still tugging at the back of her mind.

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