Chapter 2: Moving In

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  I groaned and rolled out of bed, grabbing my phone, wallet, sunglasses, keys, and snapped a hair tie on my wrist, jogging down the stairs.
  I almost ran into Cody who was in a sleeveless black shirt that said 'Opportunity Awaits'. Ah, cheesy. But, he was a police officer so I guess he's cheesy in general.
  "Slow down. The house isn't going anywhere," he says to me chuckling.
  I slap his arm and shove my keys, wallet, and phone in my pocket while pushing my hair back with my sunglasses.
  "Go way so we can get the show on the road."
  I jog to the kitchen and grab a granola bar and walk back out to where all the boxes used to be.
  Aw, my brothers are such ass holes but they are so sweet sometimes. They were caring the boxes and putting them into the bed of my dark blue Chevy.
  They're so sweet. I feel a presence behind me and see my dad. His hair is all Gisele's and his eyes are watery and puffy.
  "Dad . . ." I breath out, giving him a hug.
  He wraps me up tight in his arms and doesn't let go until I beg for air.
  "Be safe. Watch after your brothers please. I love you."
  I smile and go to the front door. "I love you too. Bye dad." I wave to him and close the door behind me. 
  "Alright Cassy, c'mon. Get your ass in the truck and let's go," Hunter says to me and I roll my eyes at him.
  Everyone gets in their own vehicle, or truck I should say, and we all follow Cody to Oklahoma, making a stop here and there for bathroom breaks.
  As I pull in behind Luke, I fully take in the beauty of our new home. It looked to have five acres of land, a barn, and the house was gorgeous. It was wood on the outside but once I stepped through the door, I was shocked. Lovely white walls with matching furniture and decorations.
  I ran up the stairs and looked in every room of the five rooms. Each room has a bathroom connected to it. One bedroom was themed red, another green, one blue, one white, and one beige. I instantly knew the white one would be mine so I put my phone, keys,  and wallet on the white desk and took everything in. There was a white dresser, white bed frame with blue sheets and a black comforter, blue decorations and black curtains over a huge window that leads to a balcony, a white desk with a white rolling chair with a black and blue pillow in the seat. There was a blue rug on the laminate flooring and a black door that lead to a huge walk in closet. When I say 'huge', I mean, HUGE.
  I jog back out to help carry in my boxes and the boys' boxes to their bedrooms.
  Then, for the rest of the day, we unpacked.
  Well, once the doorbell rang and Cody got it. He said it was the neighbor coming down to say hello and offer his assistance if we needed anything. I paid special attention to Cody when he said 'his assistance'. So it was a guy. Was he my age? Was he cute? Was he country?
  I was curious so I decided I would go over tomorrow and introduce myself to see him for myself.
  At the end of the day, around 8:30 9:00 ish, Cody ordered four boxes of pizza and we chowed down, eating all of it, Luke eating a whole box himself. Stupid, little, piglet.
  We all said goodnight to each other around 10ish and went into our rooms but I didn't fall asleep until midnight because I was thinking about Kacey and then Ethan. And then home.

Picture of Cody at top.

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