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I don't remember what time I woke up but I woke up from a nightmare screaming. My nightmare was weird and hard to describe. It was like someone had burned a whole in my chest and then Adrian wasn't around anymore so he made that burn worse. I'm not sure if that caused me to scream or not but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that when I woke up, screaming and trying to make the feeling in my chest go away, Adrian was there, softly whispering things in my ear. He was some mastermind because he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers and rubbed my chest as he whispered in my ear.
He quickly got up and stood behind my door though and I had no clue what he was doing until Cody walked in and the door covered Adrian from being discovered.
"Cassidy, are you okay? Why did you scream?" He asked me, his hand on the doorknob.
"Nightmare," I breathed out, starting to feel that pain in my chest again.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" He furrows his eyebrows.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you though."
He nods and walks out, closing the door behind him.
Adrian walks back over to me and climbs into my bed. "You're okay love. I'm right here with you and I never plan on leaving," he says, pressing  his lips to my forehead for a long time.
I savor that long time. I savor how his lips felt and what his words meant.
"Adrian," I breathe.
"Yes love?" He asks, pulling away from my forehead and looking at me face.
"Kiss me."
He looks down at me and slowly leans towards my face, kissing the corner of my mouth. I swear, I would've slapped him but he then kissed my jawline and then my collarbone.
"No Adrian, kiss me," I say, still allowing him access to where he wanted to put his lips.
He looks back up at my face and moves some hair out of my eyes. "My lips are starting to hurt . . ." He starts and I pout. "But you're worth it."
He slightly pushes me over onto my back and gets in a push up position over me, leaning in close to my face.
I look back and forth from his eyes and his lips.
"How bad do you want my kiss?" He asks and I want to pull him into me but he doesn't have his hoodie on anymore. He is just bare chested. So handsome.
"Please," I plead, almost sounding like I need it. Like I'll die without it.
He smiles and then it turns into a grin. Adrian leans down into a push-up and kisses me, softly at first and then rougher.
I kiss back as roughly as I can and he likes it. I can tell. He starts to touch me more and move his body, not just his lips.
He places a hand on my thigh and the other on my ass, which he hasn't done before, and kisses me even harder. I didn't think that was possible.
I place my hands on his chest, feeling all the muscles.
He softly laughs into my kiss and pulls away. "You like touching this?" He asks, still chuckling.
I bite down in my lip and say "Yeah, I do. So get back over here."
He grins and crawls back to me and I roll over so I'm against his chest, the position I was in before I screamed.
I trace every line and dent in his muscled chest until I fell asleep.
When I woke up, it was about 8:50 and Adrian wasn't there with me. He promised.
I groan and roll out of my bed, plopping onto the floor.
"Alexa, put on nightcore pop from amazon music."
I stand up and walk into my closet, changing into a black and grey flannel, light denim booty shorts, my black cowgirl boots, and the hat Adrian have to me that says badass.
I walk out of my room, phone in hand and Alexa still playing music, and down the hallway. All the guys' doors are open do that means they're all out today. Then why'd Adrian leave?
I skip down the stairs and to the kitchen to find Ethan sitting on the kitchen table and Adrian on the counter in front of him. They were talking like normal best friends.
"There she is!" Adrian yells, opening his arms.
I smile and go into them, burying my face in his chest.
"You left me," I whisper into his ear.
"Ethan showed up, I wanted to give him company," Adrian whispers back.
I roll my eyes. "You owe me a kiss then."
And then I walk to Ethan, giving him a big hug.
"Hello Cass," he chuckles.
"I've missed you," I mutter into his shirt.
I think I made Adrian jealous. I also think Ethan saw it and continued to hug me anyway.
"I've missed you too." He pulls away and looks at me. "Please tell me your not wearing that."
I gawk at him. "This is normal!"
"Yeah well, we aren't going to someplace casual," he looks at Adrian "right?"
Adrian nods. "I have something for you to change into but you can't look at it until it's on you."
"So how do I change into it? I'm not playing dress up with you," I say and Ethan wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"Ethan! You're engaged!"
"Adrian isn't," he says, wiggling his eyebrows again.
I look at Adrian with a hand on my hip.
He smiles sheepishly at me. "I love you," he tries.
"I love you," I mock him.
"Hey, you'll be fine. Adrian's trustworthy," Ethan tells me and I look at him.
"Right. That's why he crawled through my window last night and acted like a sex offender."
Adrian rubbed the back of his neck. "Please?"
I look at him. "Give me my kiss."
He smiles and walks to me, placing a hand on my waist and kissing me softly.
"I love you."
"I love you."
"Yeah yeah, y'all love each other. Go change!" Ethan says, overly excited.
  I roll my eyes and Adrian drags me back to my room with a bag from Dillards.
  "Okay, let's put this on you . . ." He says and wraps a bandana around my eyes and ties it at the back of my head.
  "Is this really necessary?" I ask him as he tightens the cloth.
  "Yes, it is. I want this to be a surprise. Now, arms up," he told me so I raised my arms and he pulled my flannel off. My hat fell off with the flannel but I probably wasn't allowed to wear that either.
  I could feel his breath on my ear as he pulled the fabric off.
  He picked me up by my waist and I screeched.
  Adrian took off my shorts and my boots. I suddenly felt embarrassed.
  "Don't be embarrassed. You have a beautiful body Cassidy."
  If I was already blushing, I blushed even harder at his comment. He chuckles and pulled something out of the bag.
  "Up," he said before lifting me up again and pulling a long piece of tight clothing over my waist. He was putting me in a dress. Yay! (Note the sarcasm)
  "Why Adrian? I hate dresses."
  He chuckles. "You'll like this one."
  "I doubt it," I mutter and he just continues dressing me. I feel the tight fabric stretching around my body, adjusting to what little curves I have. There is a big dip in the fabric on my back so part of my back is cold and the dress stops above mid-thigh.
  "I hate it already and I can't even see it."
  Adrian laughs and adjust something on my shoulders and then something on my neck. It felt like a necklace.
  "Jewelry? Really?"
  "Yes. Now shut up and look cute."
  I smile and let him give me bracelets and earrings.
  "Alright, I'm gonna pick you up and put your shoes on now, okay?"
  I bite my lip and nod my head.
  Adrian picks me up and slides my feet into what feels like heels.
  When he sets me back on my feet, I almost fall but he catches me.
  "I can't stand in these. You think I'll be able to walk?!" I yell at him and he picks me up, holding me bridal style and varying me down the stairs.
  "Wow, she looks amazing." I hear Ethan say.
  "Shhhhhh!" Adrian hushes him And I giggle.
  "Here," Ethan says as Adrian puts me down so Ethan can remove my blindfold.
  Let me just say, I found myself gorgeous for once.

Picture of Cassidy's dress up top.

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Hello Lovelies! So, I couldn't put more than one picture up top so the rest of her outfit is below! ❤️

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \Hello Lovelies! So, I couldn't put more than one picture up top so the rest of her outfit is below! ❤️

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