pull my hair

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Chuck had desided to show you off today. He took you to a resteront not fancy but you dressed the part. You were so excited a smile never left your face. The date was nice he didn't really take you on dates you weren't his girlfriend. So when he did it ment so much to you.

Most of the date you sat in silence. But you were still happy the whole time. When you got in the car Chuck desided to say something.

"What are you so happy for" you looked at him confused.

"I like it when you take me on dates" you confesed. He looked at the road and then back at you.

"I thought you hated it. That's why I don't mist of the time" he took his gaze off you and on the road so you don't die today.

"What made you think that?" You asked not knowing why. Every time he took you out it was amazing.

"You don't talk much and I felt as if you don't like being in public with me" you look at him shocked as to how he could think these things.

"Well your wrong" you said as you looked out the window trying not to make eye contact. He stopped the car and got out. Not knowing what to do you stayed in he opened the door for you. Since you had to do what he wanted you to you got out the car.

Turns out you were home the home you shared with Chuck. You lived with him because it was part of the contract. He wanted you at all times.

He unlocked the door and walked in first. You quickly but you bag on the table and took your shoes off.

"So if you do like our dates then why don't you say so" you didn't turn around you kept your eyes forward.

"I can't. The contract said I do what you want me to. Not I do what I want to" you still not looking at him.

"Ok well now that I know it makes you happy we will go on more dates. I honestly want you to be happy. But remember you must obey the rules" he left to go up stairs in the bedroom you also shared.

His rules were simple.

1:Don't talk about the contract to other people. If they ask you are his boyfriend.

2: you must stay at home unless I give you permission otherwise.

3: do not date anyone while you are mine. You are mine and only mine.

4: you can not say no

You didn't mind the rules they were easy to follow. Sometimes you would break them to get punished. Just for fun. But most of the time you did as he said. He never said no to you now that you thing about it.

Whenever you asked to go somewhere he always said yes. Or asked him to buy you something if you on punishment. He would always say yes. You walked up stairs slowly not knowing if he was asleep or not.

You open the door slowly and walked in on your tipy toes. You shut the door behind you. You walked over to the closet and took off your dress. You pit the dress on a hanger and put it in the closet.

You walked over to the bed were Chuck was sleeping. I don't wear pjs Chuck told you not to most nights you would go to bed naked. You pulled off a bit of cover trying not to wake the sleeping man on the other side of the bed.

You quickly get under the covers and fall asleep.

You wake up to the sun in your eyes. You turn away only to see Chuck smiling at you. You smile back and try to fall asleep again. You failed. You open your eyes and look at Chuck he hasn't taken his eyes off you.

"What?" You ask still asleep. He chuckles and turns over. So his back is facing you. You look at the marks you left on his skin. A small smile came across your face.

Sorry suck clickbait tittle but kinda had to. Any ways promise more kinky stuff. 😉 bye✌

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