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WARNING: Due to what we found out about Woojin, he was replaced by a random character named Yejun.



It was a normal day at the Ministry of Magic, you could hear the noise of the phones and the murmurings of people taking between them, people coming and going. A golden-haired girl just arrived, with a white shirt, a formal black pants and heels, she carried four coffee cups. She walks the long corridors of the Ministry of Magic in her way to the Aurors offices. As soon as she gets there, she knocks on the door and smiles, a tall blond man turns back, smiling, he nods his head giving her permission to come in. The girl enters the room and puts the coffees on the table. She greeted the same man with a soft kiss and leaned against a desk, picking up one of the coffee cups.

"What you working on today?" Draco asks while looking to a board, and then to some papers on his right hand.

Alese looks to Draco, "Nothing really important. Busy today?" The Department of Mysteries could be really boring when nothing happens.

"Nothing much, it has been peaceful lately."

Alese was about to answer to her husband, but in that exact moment, Felix and Chan arrived really excited about something else. Chan greets Alese and goes to his desk, Felix looks to the blond girl holding her coffee, and take the coffee from her hands.

"Uh, coffee," Felix says in a cheerful tone, "Nice, thanks."

"Yeah, I'm glad you like my coffee. I spit on it before. Enjoy." Felix, with the coffee still in this mouth, spits back into the cup, with a face of disgust. Alese starts to go laugh and grabs the other coffee that was supposed to be Felix's and gives Chan the last one.

Every day was like this, it was a funny routine for the four of them. After some laughs and arguments between Felix and Chan about their last mission, they started to hear panic screams of a loud and feminine voice. The Aurors rush to go and see what's going on. There were feathers flying all over a fallen girl on the floor. It was Ella. The woman was with a messed hair and an open case.

"Did a bird just poop you out?" Malfoy laughs of the girl state.

"Shut up, Thunderbird escaped." Ella gets up and cleans the dust from her black jeans.

"What the hell is a Thunderbird?" Felix asks, imagining a thunder with wings.

"A Thunderbird is a huge avian creature native to North America so I don't know how he came to England, he can create storms as it flies and is highly sensitive to danger..." Ella gives all the details about a Thunderbird, "I have to find him before someone gets hurt or he gets hurt."

"How can we help?" Chan offers his help.

"Thank you, but I don't need help." Ella gets ready to go on a search for the avian creature.

"You're coming late for work then," Malfoy concludes, with the time that Ella will take to find the big bird.

"Leave me alone, don't you guys have something better to do?" Ella rudely replies, already impatient with that situation.

The girl leaves and goes through the city to find the Thunderbird. Alese looked in disapproval to Malfoy, leaving him confused. Ella, ever since she got out of Hogwarts, broke up with Jeongin and got this job in the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures on the Beast Division, she has been more unstable emotionally and most of her time she spends inside her case, taking care of her Magical Creatures and doing research on that matter. Alese and the guys went back to their office. The mood was silent and kind of heavy, because of that attitude from Ella. Alese was still judging Malfoy mentally for playing with her when he knows that she isn't at her best point in life.

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