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Several lightning bolts fall from the sky, attacking the Aurors who were trying to open the wooden doors of the establishment where Chan, Felix, and Jeongin got trapped inside. The ground started to shake the balance off of those who didn't get hit by the flashes of lightning. A cloud of heavy dust arose and formed a mist that limited the vision of the engaged Aurors, who were trying to understand where their foes were to fight back. All they could do was try to stand up and dodge some of the incoming attacks or even repel them. As the dust settles, the attackers are revealed to be on the roof. The Aurors quickly point their wand in the direction of the foes and try to hit them. The skilled dark wizards repelled them, as they jumped from the roof to the road. The conflict was intense, with some wizards down on one side and the other. Malfoy was in the middle of the battlefield, fighting for his life, repelling spells coming from every side until he got knocked back against a wall and three dark wizards quickly surrounded him. He was one of the main targets for betraying the Death Eaters before, and finally, the dark wizards had their chance, but all of a sudden, an arc of die protects Malfoy and makes the dark wizards fall back. Alese jumps through the flames and puts herself in front of Malfoy, trying to protect his husband.

"If you want to kill him you'll have to kill me first."

Malfoy's eyes widened with the surprise and the sentence of the blonde witch protecting him. He gets his back off of the wall and gets by her side, on a defensive position and his wand ready to continue fighting, "Try not to be killed before me then."

"Maybe if you didn't let yourself get caught, I wouldn't need to be on the lookout for both of us," Alese said, messing with the pride of the blonde boy.

"Wanna compete?" Malfoy looks to the side with a provocative smile.

"I don't need to compete with you to know I'm better." Alese looks back to Malfoy, replying with the same smile.

The couple dash through the arc of flames and start dueling with the three wizards who spread out and move around to throw spells from all sides. The blonde couple repels them to try to hit them back. After many spells without hitting their targets, the dark wizards stop in the middle of the battlefield. Malfoy and Alese stop right in front of them. Their clothes are covered in dust and mud that flew from all over the battle around them.

"Have you gave up already?" Malfoy asks, trying to get into the heads of their foes.

"You should be the one giving up." A familiar heavy voice echoes from above, which drive the attention to the roof of the old tavern.

It was Tom, the leader of the opposite faction. He jumped down from the roof and faced the couple, ordering that the other wizards would leave to help the others.

"Get out of here, go see if you can get Chan, Felix, and Jeongin out of there." Malfoy gives the order to Alese, wanting to face Tom by himself.

"No. We're not going anywhere without you." Alese refuses to leave Malfoy alone.

"I wouldn't even let you leave anyway," Tom says, point its wand at the couple.

Multiple lightning shots start firing from the wand, making Alese and Malfoy being caught off guard, with Malfoy putting his body in front of the blonde witch, repelling some spells. An incoming attack on Tom interrupts the barrage of attacks launched at the couple. It was Jeongin who came for blood. The three wizards who were trapped inside the tavern defeated their foes inside and got out immediately, helping the Aurors on what has been a one-sided battle because of the surprise element from the Death Eaters. As soon as the attacks seize, Malfoy grabs Alese and runs from there to find a safer place for his wife. Tom was on the ground, his body was still feeling the pain from falling on the ground and feeling the impact of the explosion toss him away. As he stands up, trying to recover from that attack, he looks at Jeongin, who was crying of rage and on his mind was only the revenge he was seeking of that battle. Tom laughed at the burning tears that would fall from the eyes of the broken boy.

"What have you done to her?" Jeongin asks Tom, referring to Ella.

"She's sleeping, so she doesn't see this massacre, and I'll wake her up after all this is done and tell her it was all a bad dream," Tom replies to Jeongin with a direct question and with his plan.

"You will lie to her so you can live a fantasy life with her?" Jeongin resumes the sadistic plan of Tom, who nodded in confirmation, "Over my dead body."

Jeongin launches some attacks while moving forward, with Tom easily dodging them. As Tom dodges, he blasts Jeongin away with Confringo, making him fly and collide with a wall, breaking some of his lower ribs with the violent impact on the brick wall. The injured guy falls on the ground, with the pain draining his whole energy to even stand up. Tom walked up to his target, gets lower and puts his wand on Jeongin's head.

"Any last words?" Tom asked, causing desperation on Jeongin's head, who tried even harder to get up, only succeeding on getting on his knees and falling right back into the wall, sitting down and feeling the ashen wood on his head and looking to Tom.

"If you succeed with this..." Jeongin accepts the defeat, with the pain getting control of his body and the taste of blood in his mouth, "Make her happy."

Tom stands up again, without taking his wand off Jeongin's head, ready to end that live there and finishing his plan to rule over the Magic World and live happily with Ella. As Tom starts the incantation for Avada Kedavra, a mysterious force projects him far from Jeongin, making him go across the battlefield, but eventually, he stopped the motion, forcing his feet into the asphalt. Felix created distance from the new Dark Lord and his wounded friend, and as this one tries to get up, it gets trapped in ropes that grow from the ground and bind his legs, who were summoned by Chan who got behind Tom, ready to follow up the attack of Felix. Tom got rid of the ropes and cast Fumos, creating a smokescreen that hindered the visibility of Chan and Felix. Despite being aware of any incoming spells, they were getting hit by all sides with dark crows who would appear from the smoke a carve their fangs on the Wizard's arms and scratching their faces. Tom focuses on one of his main targets since he took control of the Death Eaters, Felix. He disarms him with Expelliarmus, making the wand of the defenseless guy fly away, into the smoke. After that, he gets closer to the blonde boy and aims at his feet, cursing him with Locomotor Wibbly, making his legs collapse. As Felix falls on the ground, he listens the heavy footsteps echoing on his mind, getting louder and closer to him. He saw the dark figure approach him, with his wand glowing of magic, ready to finish him. Felix looks around on the ground near him to try and find his wand but with no success. Tom stops in front of Felix, staring to him from above.

"You should have stuck with my father, you and I could be doing some great things now..." Tom shows some fake pity for Felix, "Instead you followed the path of the weak and turned into a sheep just like everyone else, and I won't allow sheep in my new world."

Tom stomps his foot on top of Felix's head and points his wand down, contemplating the crippled boy trying to free his head from his foot and the ground. The effort of Felix wasn't enough, and he knew what was about to happen, but he wasn't ready to give up, he wasn't ready to lose the battle and his life. It was effortless, he was too weak. The incantation starts to be spelled and Felix starts to panic, knowing the end was near.


Tom shuts up, and Felix is still alive. The strength of his foot completely loosens up and Felix can escape it. The crippled wizard looks up and sees Tom completely immobilized cover by blood. The smoke disappears and Chan appears behind Tom, with his face all scratched and bloody and his clothes all soaked with his blood and stains of dark red. The fight around them seized and all of the Death Eaters approached their immobilized leader. They couldn't believe it, how the powerful son of Voldemort got defeated.

"It's over..."

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