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Some days have passed, and the Aurors have been distant from Ella. Every time she gets there to find Alese or even say hi to them, they just shut up and focus on their work, like she wasn't there, or even interrupt conversations that they were having like she couldn't hear them, and she always suspected that they were trying to incriminate Tom. Ella got home after work. She was tense and mad, whispering something to herself that only she was hearing. The woman had fire in her eyes like she was about to explode. Tom looks at her entering the living room, and as he was going to greet her, he hesitated, confused with the serious look in her eyes. Ella's eyes meet his and the girl stops in time, finding an odd peace in the eyes of the sweet man on her sofa. Seeing that she was already calmer, Tom lets out a smile and feels secure to greet his girlfriend.

"Hi there."

"Hi, babe," Ella finally takes a deep breath and lets her body rest against the wall.

"How was your day?" Tom asks, almost rhetorically like he was guessing the response.

"Weird. The guys decided to pretend I don't exist now," Ella rolls her eyes, explaining her complains.

"That's rude, to say the least..." Tom points out, "I see that they're against us..."

"I really don't get them, first they complain that I can't get over Jeongin, now because I am with and you apparently are the next Dark Lord in their heads," Ella judges the negative attitude of their friends to her.

"Well..." Tom stands up and gets closer to Ella, "Am I a Dark Lord on your head?" Tom makes a deep and scary voice, playing with Ella about what her friends think.

"Huh, no." Ella isn't in the mood to play with Tom about that.

"Well, if you want my honest opinion, they are the 'Dark Lords' here," Tom expresses himself, "They can't stand seeing us happy and they just want to destroy that and make you go back to Jeongin because I'm an outsider."

"But they were happy... I don't understand why this now..." Ella goes from being mad to being sad with that situation, she just wants to be happy and have the support of their friends.

"We should defend ourselves, or they will ruin us..." Tom warns the fragile girl, "You have to trust me, or they will make you see me as the bad guy they want you to see..."

"What's on your mind?" Ella asks, paying attention to the man in front of her.

"They are probably investigating us both, with the thought that we are Death Eaters because you protected me and they're distant from you now." Tom starts to explain his point of view to how they should protect themselves, "Keep your wand in the pocket at all times, in case we need to protect ourselves, and I'll introduce you to some friends of mine that will help us with that."

"I don't think they— what friends?" Ella was ready to defend her friends, but Tom's friend caught the interest of the girl since she never knew any friend or family of Tom.

"Some friends of mine from back in our time at Hogwarts, wanna go meet them now?" Tom suggests since he had nothing better to do.

"I-I guess..." Ella accepts, being a little intimidated for not knowing where they were going.

Tom grabs his jacket and gets out with Ella. As they got out of the building, they followed a shady street that Ella never went to. She was scared, but if that was going to protect their relationship and she was going to be happy with Tom, she would accept anything. As they make their way, a blonde guy who had a black fedora and a black coat that hides his face. It was Felix, hiding in the shadows of the buildings and following the couple. They were going in the direction of the Knockturn Alley, place where the Borgin & Burkes was, abandoned and in pieces. Felix was confused with their route but continued without questioning. Tom stopped in the middle of the road, with many old and abandoned buildings, something that was pretty normal in Knockturn Alley, these days. The old streets could tell many stories if they had mouths, and by the crimson red stains that painted the dark brown bricks, they weren't stories with happy endings. Felix stayed in the shadows, looking with attention to the couple who had just stopped. Ella was confused and scared about the scene around her.

"You can come out!" Tom knew someone was following them and ordered to show themselves.

Felix couldn't believe it, he stayed in the shadows at all times and barely made a sound with the sponge sole he enchanted into his shoes. The Auror gives up and draws his weapon, taking aim at the couple and showing himself. Ella couldn't believe it, what Tom said was right, they would do anything to ruin them two, so she draws her wand in self-defense and looks vicious to Felix. Felix looks baffled to his friend who was now turned against him. Tom just looks at Felix, trying to predict his next move.

"Ella, come to me, he is no good for you, as you can see to where he leads you," Felix tries to convince Ella to put down her wand.

"But you're the one following us," Ella points out, taking some steps forward, without taking her aim from the blonde Auror.

"I-I followed you because I knew he would lead you to the Death Eaters and convince you into being one of them!" Felix shouted to the girl, trying to put some sense into her and touch her heart.

"Lead me to— Again that conversation? Tom is not a Death Eater." Ella gets tired of that talk about Tom being a Death Eater.

"Why are you two in Knockturn Alley then?!" Felix asks, trying to prove his point.

"We came to meet some Slytherin friends from back in our time at Hogwarts, you know, people who you like and don't point a wand at?" Tom explains, implying that he wasn't their friend because of him pointing the wand at them.

"I-I..." Felix gets embarrassed and blushes a bit, looking at Ella who was madly looking at him, "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"Just go home, Felix..." Ella sends Felix home, turning her back and giving up of arguing with him.

Felix was going to try and say something, but the eyes of Tom stole his word out of his mouth. The knot in his throat wouldn't let him say anything and all he could do was to watch Ella go back to Tom and the couple continues their way into an alley between buildings, to where Felix followed them quickly, but they disappeared all of a sudden. All that was seen there was a wall, a dead end, but Tom and Ella had disappeared. Felix falls on his knees, still not believing in what his eyes are missing. The redhead who had just confronted him just wasn't there anymore. Defeated, Felix turns back and goes back to the Ministry and into the Auror Office, where Malfoy, Harry, Hermione, Chan, Alese and Jeongin were already checking a giant list about all the Toms that passed through Hogwarts, a document sent by Yejun. The Aurors stop their search, looking to Felix and with a look, the blonde guy announced that they escaped him.

"They were just going to see some friends, and Ella got mad at me and all of a sudden, they went to a dead end and disappeared... It was all so quick..." Felix mourns about his failure.

"Come on now, forget that, let's just get something that we can use against Tom," Chan tries to comfort his friend.

"Hm, guys?" Jeongin asks for the attention of everyone, "I think I found something."

Malfoy and the others quickly get near Jeongin, as he points with his finger to a name, "Tom Gaunt Hughes, Slytherin, his last year was ten years ago."

"Gaunt?" Harry looks confused and surprised at the same time, looking to the paper and confirming what the Hufflepuff had just said, "Dumbledore once told me about the Gaunt Family..."

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